Letter to the Director General of the UN's Food and Agriculture Organization

The 350 civil society and Indigenous Peoples organizations from 63 countries listed below represent hundreds of thousands of farmers, fisherfolk, agricultural workers and other communities, as well as human rights, faith-based, environmental and economic justice institutions. We are writing to express our deep concern over your stated plans to strengthen official ties with CropLife International. We strongly urge you to reconsider this alliance.

The Rural Climate Dialogues

Climate change offers an opportunity to engage differently with rural communities in a way that focuses on solutions rather than assigning blame. Instead of trying to “sell” climate policy to rural communities, we must engage organizations and leaders rooted in rural areas in the development stage to identify solutions that work for them. As important, we need community-level engagement tools designed to overcome our current toxic political environment and map out rural-appropriate responses to climate change that feed up into policy and concrete action.

Virtual WTO Symposium: Agricultural trade and food system transformation

December 2nd - December 3rd, 2020

Watch the recording of the Agricultural Trade in 2025, Toward Forward-Looking Disciplines session featuring Executive Director Sophia Murphy.  The World Trade Organization is hosting a virtual agriculture symposium titled Agricultural Trade and Food System Transformation on December 2-3, 2020.