Crisis or opportunity in the multilateral trade system?

October 10, 2012 – It was fascinating to attend the WTO public symposium at the end of September, an event framed around the question: “Is Multilateralism in Crisis?” The question invited far more yesses than noes, although there was a healthy sprinkling of determined optimists in the crowd as well. Yet the optimists did not talk much about trade.

Weight of the Nation: What Can Health Professionals Do to Help Turn Communities Around?

October 17th, 2012

Dinner served: 6:00 p.m. Screening: 6:30 p.m. Panel discussion immediately following screening Free for all students, staff, faculty, and community partners. Please Register. Join us as we screen Challenges, part four in a series. This final film of the HBO series examines the origins and severity of the obesity epidemic, its major driving forces including the Farm Bill as well as the opportunities for communities to fight back. A moderated discussion about what the Twin Cities and Minnesota can do and are doing at the community and policy level to combat obesity and cre

Achieving Mexico’s Maize Potential

Rising agricultural prices, combined with growing import dependence, have driven Mexico’s food import bill over $20 billion per year and increased its agricultural trade deficit.

Koch Brothers Exposed: A film about the 1% at its very worst

October 29th, 2012

RSVP Now Join IATP and the Twin Cities Media Alliance to screen Koch Brothers Exposed, a film looking at how two billionaire brothers use their wealth to undermine democracy and threaten the health and safety of millions to further their political and business goals. This event is part of the Twin Cities Media Alliance and TC Daily Planet’s New Normal 2012: Get Connected! A series of community meetings taking place at venues across the metro area. In addition to viewing the new hard-hitting documentary on the Koch brothers, you’ll have an opportunity to learn about some media tool

Percolate: Principles for Food Justice

November 27th, 2012

The U.S. food system has never been fair, just or healthy Food justice advocates around the country are building a national food justice platform based around draft principles that were collectively created at September’s Food + Justice = Democracy conference. Come join the conversation about how we can use this platform to push our government and our political leaders to prioritize a fair, just and healthy food system. Please register by contacting Marin Byrne at or (612) 870-3411. Percolate is an opportunity, every other month, to join IATP in discussions about