Revision of the EU fertilizer regulation and cadmium content of fertilizers

Daniel Calleja Crespo May 28 2014 Director General Directorate General for enterprise and industry B - 1049 Brussels Cc Karl Falkenberg, Director General, Directorate General for Environment Re: Revision of the EU fertilizer regulation and cadmium content of fertilisers Dear Director General, We are writing to you in relation to the revision of the EU fertiliser regulation to underline the impo

TTIP webinar series: TTIP and GMOs

July 8th, 2014

July 8, 2014 9:00 CST / 10:00 EST /16:00 CET Register Now On June 16, USDA Secretary Tom Vilsack cautioned European Union members against raising health or safety risks when banning the cultivation of genetically modified organisms (GMOs). The debate over GMOs is intensifying as agribusiness on both sides of the Atlantic attempt to weaken standards on genetically modified organisms and their labeling through a new trade agreement. For civil society movements in the EU and the U.S., labeling is a burning issue. Labeling campaigns are already underway in 26 U.S. states. In the EU,

Measuring Success: Local Food Systems and the Need for New Indicators

In agriculture, policymakers, analysts and researchers often use a set of indicators to assess whether a farming system, or new technology, is succeeding. The most common indicators focus on increasing “yield,” often of a singular crop or animal unit, within large-scale production systems.