World Trade Organization

NGOs Fear WTO Is Resorting To Private "Green Room" Process

IATP Report from Doha NGO's have issued an action alert charging the WTO of starting use the "Green Room" process whereby select delegation are called into private meetings to negotiate trade agreements. This process marginalizes developing countries, leaving them to sign agreements that they have not been party to.

WTO Talks Open Amid Drug Clash

Los Angeles Times November 9, 2001 Friday Home Edition By WARREN VIETH Amid heightened security, trade ministers assembled today to take up the unfinished business of globalization, a task made more difficult by a range of bitter disputes, especially the one over the price poor countries must pay for patented drugs.

Nerves on Edge as Trade Talks Begin in Qatar

The Independent (London) | November 9, 2001 | Andrew Gumbel TWO YEARS after the showdown in Seattle, the World Trade Organisation appears to have thought it could insulate itself from the hordes of anti- globalisation protesters by holding its latest ministerial meeting in Qatar, a Gulf state with a suitably zero-tolerance approach to civil disobedience.