World Trade Organization

WTO Launches "Broad and Balanced" Trade Round

Reuters | November 15, 2001 | by Robert Evans DOHA - Ministers from the 142 countries of the World Trade Organisation (WTO) agreed yesterday to launch a "broad and balanced" set of free trade negotiations to start by January 31 next year and end by January 1 2005.

Outlines of Declaration on New Trade Round

Jiji Press Ticker Service | November 15, 2001 Doha, Qatar - The following are the outlines of a declaration on a new trade round adopted at the end of the ministerial meeting of the World Trade Organization Wednesday: Preface: Determined to continue reform of trade policies and liberalization processes. Welcomed accession by China and Taiwan.

Poor Countries See Chance after Doha

Associated Press | November 15, 2001 | By TONY SMITH; AP Business Writer SAO PAULO, Brazil - Across the globe, from Brazil to India, developing nations felt they were shortchanged by the last round of world trade talks, complaining the rules were made by - and for - rich, industrialized countries.