World Trade Organization

The Mouse that Roared

Toronto Globe and Mail | By MICHAEL EDWARDS | January 3, 2002 The anti-globalization movement has been given an uncomfortable ride in the media since Sept. 11. Protesters have been uncharacteristically muted, fearful of the inevitable backlash if their activities are seen as insensitive, unpatriotic or merely irrelevant to fighting the battle of the moment.

Taiwan Joins WTO as 144th Member

The Independent (London) | January 2, 2002 TAIWAN MARKED its entry to the World Trade Organisation yesterday with a pledge by President Chen Shui-bian to develop what he called constructive co-operation with China. It became the 144th WTO member under the name of the "separate customs territory" of Taiwan to avoid tension surrounding Beijing's claim of sovereignty over the island.

Russia Economy: WTO Tariffs Talks Progress

BBC MONITORING | Interfax | December 18, 2001 Russia and World Trade Organization member nations have agreed on the tariffs to be levied on 80 per cent of the items to be imported into Russia, Maksim Medvedkov, deputy economic development and trade minister and head of the Russian negotiating team, told a news conference in Geneva following the latest round of talks on Tuesday.