World Trade Organization

U.S. Plans Steps To Open Markets In China, India

The Washington Post | By Paul Blustein | March 10, 2004 U.S. Trade Representative Robert B. Zoellick, said yesterday that the United States soon may file its first global trade case against China and plans to aggressively pursue open markets in India as well. China and India are two of the countries at the center of the controversy over job losses in the United States.

Agreement Will Force U.S. Exporters To Label GE Foods

Aberdeen American News (South Dakota) | March 5, 2004 Eighty-seven countries reached an historic agreement here today that takes concrete steps towards establishing new, internationally recognized rights to protect public health, sustainable agricultural production and the environment from genetic contamination caused by international trade in genetically engineered (GE) organisms.

How Do You Solve The Problem That Is WTO?

BusinessWorld | By Benjamin G. Defensor | March 3, 2004 After the collapse of the World Trade Organization's Fifth Ministerial Conference in Cancun, Mexico because of irreconcilable differences between their needs and problems, should there be a separate organization each for the developed and developing world?