
WTO Closes Doors to Workers, Environmentalists and Farmers

Teamster Press Release | Sept. 12, 2003 (Cancun, Mexico) - Non-governmental organizations including the Teamsters, the Sierra Club and the American Federation of Teachers were thrown out of Friday's World Trade Organization (WTO) meeting between U.S. trade representatives, a U.S. Congressional delegation and U.S. corporations including Wal-Mart as well as the National Retail Association.

WTO Meeting Finds Protests Inside and Out

Los Angeles Times | By Chris Kraul | Sept. 11, 2003 CANCUN, Mexico - As thousands of anti-globalization protesters marched in sweltering heat, delegates at the opening of global trade talks were urged to spread the benefits of trade to poor countries or watch people in the developing world lose hope of attaining a better life.

"End Cotton Subsidies" Demands Africa

BBC News | Sept. 11, 2003 Several African nations have joined forces to put the issue of cotton onto the agenda of the World Trade Organisation meeting in Cancun. Benin, Burkina Faso, Chad and Mali are demanding wealthier countries end subsidies to farmers which they say results in them losing $250m a year in exports.