
Pressure to Protect Trade Not Easing

Associated Press | By Martin Crutsinger | Dec. 7, 2003 WASHINGTON - There is no sign of a quick easing of pressure on President Bush to provide trade protection for besieged U.S. industries, especially with his re-election race ahead and manufacturing employment still in free-fall.

Globalization""s Impact on Latin America

The Houston Chronicle | By JOHN OTIS | December 07, 2003, ASSAI, Brazil - With their cracked leather uppers and wafer-thin soles, the donated work boots heaped in the corner of this Brazilian farm cooperative look like Salvation Army rejects.

Mexico Now Feels Pinch of Cheap Labor

Washington Post | By Mary Jordan | Dec. 3, 2003 SANTA ANA CHIAUTEMPAN, Mexico -- The "China threat," as people around this textile town call it, struck here last week, costing 80 jobs in a factory that makes blankets.

World Bank Again Giving Large Loans to Indonesia

New York Times | By Jane Perlez | Dec. 2, 2003 JAKARTA, Indonesia, Dec. 1 - After several years of reduced support because of government corruption, the World Bank has decided to increase its loans to Indonesia, even though the bank says corruption is still rampant.