
India Removes More Import Barriers

NEW DELHI, India (AP) -- India on Friday lifted a ban on importing hundreds of kinds of consumer durables and agricultural goods as part of an agreement with the World Trade Organization. But the government will still levy duties on the imports, which could be as high as 35 percent, said Commerce Minister Murasoli Maran.

Japan Raps U.S. Plan to Take WTO Action Over Telecom Row

Agence France Presse TOKYO, March 31 (AFP) - Japan on Friday denounced a US plan to complain to the World Trade Organisation (WTO) about Japan's telecommunications regime, saying Tokyo does not violate WTO rules. "The announcement was one-sided, which is regrettable," Post and Telecommunications Minister Eita Yashiro told a news conference.

EU, China Hold Trade Talks

Associated Press / Elaine Kurtenbach, Associated Press Writer BEIJING (AP) -- European Union and Chinese trade negotiators today held their most extensive talks in three days of bargaining over a market-opening deal that would speed China's long-sought entry to the World Trade Organization.

Brazilian Official Takes Cautious Posture Toward Free Trade Talks

Brazilian Minister of Foreign Relations Luiz Felipe Lampreia said March 29 that he believed it was too soon to be committed to the concept of a Free Trade Area of the Americas without knowing what the political atmosphere would be in the United States in 2005 when talks are concluded.