
Gephardt Expected to Nix China Bill

By David Espo, Associated Press Writer WASHINGTON -- House Democratic Leader Dick Gephardt is expected to announce later this week he will vote against hotly contested legislation granting permanent normalized trade relations with China, Democratic officials said Monday.

WTO Head Praises China, Says New Trade Round Still Far Off

CongressDaily In a speech at the National Press Club Thursday, World Trade Organization Director General Michael Moore praised China for embracing world trade, but he said the trade ministers of WTO members are nowhere near the consensus needed for a meeting to launch a new trade round. He also said he believes the Africa-Caribbean trade bill will pass Congress.

Who""s Afraid of Globalization?

Editorial Page / Wall Street Journal By Gregg Easterbrook, a senior editor of the New Republic and author of "Beside Still Waters: Searching for Meaning in an Age of Doubt" (Quill, 1999).

Valid Questions on the New Economy

By E. J. Dionne Jr. / Washington Post Critics of this weekend's demonstrations against the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund will write off the protests as the work of the marginal, the cranky and the impractical.

Third World Leaders: Ease Poverty

By JAMES ANDERSON, Associated Press Writer HAVANA (AP) - Dozens of Third World leaders were unveiling a strategy to combat poverty enveloping half the global population and help their nations join the industrialized world in its technology revolution.

A Campaign of Hysteria; Who Is Funding the Anti-Globalization Demonstrators?

The Washington Times / By John Frydenlund Thousands of demonstrators are converging on Washington this week to protest joint meetings of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank. Among the demonstrators' specific complaints with the IMF and the World Bank are that these institutions' lending practices cause harm to the environment and hurt poor countries.

IMF, World Bank Defended

By JORGE E. BANALES WASHINGTON, April 14 (UPI) -- Representatives of the Bretton Woods Committee, the parent organization of the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank, staunchly defended Friday the policies and practices of these institutions and said their critics in the streets have 'the wrong target."