
U.S. Imposes Tariff on Canada Wood

By: KATHERINE PFLEGERAP, AP Online | WASHINGTON, The Bush administration said Wednesday it would impose another tariff on Canadian lumber after finding Canada is dumping its wood on the United States at artifically low prices.

FTAA (Free Trade in the Americas) Is a Threat, Warns Nobel Laureate

Inter Press Service | October 29, 2001 | by Kintto Lucas QUITO - Free trade in the Americas will not benefit the Latin American or Caribbean nations as long as the United States refuses to lift its import barriers, warns US economist Joseph Stiglitz, a winner of this year's Nobel Prize for economics.

Debate Revs Up Over Fast-track Trade Measures

By: David R. Francis The Christian Science Monitor Presidential trade representative Robert Zoellick last week called for the House of Representatives to set a date for a vote on "fast track" legislation. "The eyes of the world will be on Congress," he said. But getting what is now called Trade Promotion Authority (TPA) won't be easy.