
WEBINAR: Trading Away Our Bees

The die-off of bees and other pollinators poses an enormous threat to our food and agriculture system and environment. A growing body of scientific evidence points to neonicotinoids (neonics), a class of systemic pesticides, as a primary cause of the massive decline of bees. Last year the EU imposed a moratorium on certain neonics, and a broader review of harmful pesticides is underway.

WEBINAR: A Generation in Jeopardy: Ever stronger science on pesticide harm to children's health

Today's children face more chronic illness than children growing up just two generations ago. From learning disabilities and autism to childhood cancers and more, many chronic diseases and disorders are on the rise. Increasingly, science points to pesticides and other toxic chemicals as part of our children's environment, and significant contributors to their ill-health.

Nano-pesticides and your health: Tell EPA to act!

Advancements in science sometimes boggle the mind. Take nanotechnology, for example. Researchers can now manipulate material at the atomic level to add various properties to new foods, plastics or consumer products. They can make products lighter, softer, or better able to retain moisture. There are now an estimated 1,300 products on the market that use Engineered Nanomaterials (ENMs).

Farm And Lawn Fertilizers From Minnesota Are Killing Marine Life Downstream In The Gulf Of Mexico

What's good for Minnesota's corn and soybeans can be deadly to crabs and shrimp in Louisiana. A national task force meeting in St. Paul last week heard that fertilizer from farm fields washing down the Mississippi River continues to help create a seasonal "dead zone" that this year extends across 5,800 square miles of the Gulf Coast.