Failed Cancun Talks Give Impetus To Bilateral Deals

The International Herald Tribune | By Brian Knowlton | September 23, 2003 Tuesday WASHINGTON -- No sooner had the dust begun to settle from the collapse of the recent World Trade Organization talks in Cancun than a variety of officials began raising the specter of a return to the very sort of bilateral trade arrangements that the Cancun talks aspired to replace.

Gold Firm Plans Suit Under NAFTA

Los Angeles Times | By Evelyn Iritani | August 20, 2003 Canadian mining company says California limits make its Imperial property worthless. , Times Staff writer Mining company Glamis Gold Ltd. is taking aim at tough California environmental laws by threatening to sue under an obscure provision of the North American Free Trade Agreement.

Mexican Labour Secretary Says NAFTA "Positive" For Labour Sector

BBC Monitoring Americas | August 17, 2003 Text of report by Sonia Gonzalez published by Mexican news agency Notimex Managua, 15 August: Mexican Labour Secretary Carlos Abascal said here today that the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) has yielded positive results with regard to labour matters, although there should have been a more gradual opening-up process in certain areas.

Delphi Autoparts Giant Warns Mexico

DOW JONES NEWSWIRES | By Amy Guthrie | July 31, 2003 MEXICO CITY (Dow Jones)- -The auto industry is getting swept up in the tide of manufacturers heading to China, which is threatening to shift some of the Mexican jobs provided by U.S. parts maker Delphi Corp., a company official said Thursday.

U.S. Agrees to Issue Loans for Development in Mexico

Los Angeles Times | By Chris Kraul | June 10, 2003 In a move to create jobs and spread the benefits of cross-border trade over a wider swath of Mexico, the United States will extend low-cost financing for major public and private projects south of the border, according to a preliminary agreement signed by officials of both governments here Monday.

US, Chile Sign Landmark Free Trade Treaty

Agence France Presse | June 6, 2003 MIAMI (AFP) - US and and Chilean officials signed the first free trade treaty between the United States and a South American country, seen as a stepping stone toward an America's free trade zone.

Chapter 11: NAFTA Needs It

Financial Post | By Thomas d'Aquino, John Castellani and Juan Gallardo | May 29, 2003 The evidence is clear that the North American Free Trade Agreement has