
Fact Is, Vote Will Not Change China

USA Today / By Walter Shapiro A Republican colleague stopped by John Kasich's table in the House dining room during lunch Wednesday to ask, "What are you doing about this China thing?" That is the question of the hour on Capitol Hill. A bitterly divided House is less than two weeks from a momentous vote on whether to grant China permanent normal trade relations (PNTR).

Bipartisan Proposal Aims for China Trade Compromise

LA Times / By NICK ANDERSON, Times Staff Writer WASHINGTON--Putting a stamp of bipartisanship on efforts to find compromise on China trade, a key House Republican versed in Asian affairs and a Democratic trade expert on Tuesday unveiled a joint proposal to answer concerns about human rights and other issues raised by a controversial trade normalization bill.

ADB Pledges to Fight Poverty

Reuters Asia's top banking showcase drew to a close on Monday amid tight security with promises of a region-wide fight against poverty. The last day of the Asian Development Bank annual meeting in the northern Thai city of Chiang Mai focused on an ADB plan to channel hundreds of millions of dollars into targetted anti-poverty programmes.

Unocal ""Smoking Gun"" Alleged

By William Branigin / Washington Post Staff Writer Attorneys for a group of Burmese refugees say they have discovered a "smoking gun" document supporting their claims that a major U.S. oil company should be held accountable for human rights violations related to construction of a natural gas pipeline in Burma.