
Report Explores Global Spread of Child labor

New Delhi, November 20 - A report released today by the Global March Against Child Labour shows the shocking exploitation of children in almost every part of the world. From rich country to poor, there seems to be no escape for children suffering in the worst forms of child labour.

FAO""s Annual Report on the State of Food and Agriculture: Despite Tangible Progress, 13 Percent of Humanity Still Suffers from Hunger and Related Diseases

Paris, 15 September 2000 - More than 800 million people still lack access to the food they need, much less than the 960 million estimated 30 years ago, but still a massive number accounting for 13 percent of the world's population, the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) says in its annual report "The State of Food and Agriculture (SOFA-2000)," released today at a news conference at the