
The Gap Minds Itself

"WHEN I DECIDED TO JOIN GAP INC. IN the fall of 2002," writes Paul Presser, president and CEO of the clothing giant behind the Gap, Old Navy and Banana Republic brands, "one of the first things my teenage daughter asked was, 'Doesn't Gap use sweatshops?'"

Free Trade's Pressure Cooker

Children of NAFTA: Labor Wars on the US/Mexican Border David Bacon's Children of NAFTA: Labor Wars on the US/Mexican Border offers a wide view of labor issues on both sides of the US-Mexican border and a deep view of the plight of involved unions and individuals. It is likely to appeal to multiple audiences, including policymakers, academics, union leaders, and the general public.

United States and Mexico Resolve Telephone Trade Dispute

WASHINGTON (AP) - The United States and Mexico have resolved a trade dispute over telephone services, the two governments announced Tuesday. U.S. telephone companies said the agreement should result in millions of dollars in savings for Americans who make telephone calls to Mexico.

WTO Web Casting On May 25

As you may know the World Trade Organization will host a public symposium from 25 to 27 May 2004 on the challenges the WTO and its Members face in ensuring a successful completion of the Doha Development Agenda. The first day of the symposium will be webcast live. Details are available