
Submission on the Koronivia Joint Work on Agriculture on Topic 2 (e)- Improved Livestock Management Systems, Including Agropastoral Production Systems

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The world watches as the United States elects a new president

The announcement on Saturday that Joe Biden had been elected as the 46th president of the United States was met with a rousing global chorus of church bells, dance music and car horns. The election of Vice President Kamala Harris made history. She is the first woman, and first woman of color, elected to the office. It was a landmark victory for feminism.

IATP Statement on the Death of George Floyd

The death of George Floyd in the custody of a Minneapolis police officer on Monday night profoundly saddened all of us at IATP. Minneapolis is the Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy’s home, and we are grounded in our community.  We continue to deeply feel and grapple with the immense injustice of Mr. Floyd’s death and the evolving events that have followed in ou