
Nature-based Solutions for Livestock

Three major scientific reports published in the past year—the IPCC Land Report, the IPBES Global Assessment and the IPCC 1.5°C Report—confirm what agriculture and food activists have been warning for years: our food system is broken and government action without further delay is necessary to prevent catastrophic climate change. The IPCC estimates that our current global food system emits b

COP 24: Time to draw the line between agribusiness and agriculture

For an agriculture decision in 2020 to be meaningful, substantive and truly allow for agriculture to contribute to the 1.5°C pathway and become climate resilient, the UNFCCC, governments and IGOs must begin today to make a distinction between agribusiness and agriculture (including the food growers that represent 88 percent of global farmlands).

A letter from COP 24

Sunday was the first day of the UN climate talks (COP 24) being held in the coal region of Poland. While the energy sector will get the headlines, many countries are grappling with how best to deal with climate impacts to agriculture, as agricultural emissions are nearly a third of all global emissions. IATP is in Katowice and will be following how parties deal with agriculture in this COP.