
Why is the U.S. Getting in the Way of International Efforts to Make Clean Water a Basic Human Right?

On November 21, 2013 the UN General Assembly’s Third Committee (The Committee) adopted a resolution on “The human right to safe drinking water and sanitation.” There, all UN member states agreed that the rights to water and sanitation are derived from the right to an adequate standard of living.

Group Comments Submitted to the Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technical Advice (SBSTA)

The following three documents were submitted to SBSTA by a coalition of groups providing comments on Decision 1/CP.18. #1 - Non-market-based approaches: Decision 1/CP. 18, paragraph 48: Views from Parties and admitted observer organizations on the matters referred to in paragraph 47 of document FCCC/CP/2012/L.14/Rev.1.

Food crisis update: Main drivers of price volatility still not addressed

Last year international food markets suffered their third price spike in five years. The trigger was a terrible drought in the United States—a major agricultural producer and exporter. An unstable climate met low levels of international grain reserves, while U.S. ethanol gobbled up maize supplies.

How to invest justly in small-scale agriculture

As the Rome-based Committee on World Food Security begins preparing principles for “responsible agriculture investment” (RAI), its advisory body, the High-level Panel of Experts (HLPE), gets ready to revise its report on “Smallholder agriculture investment.” It is hoped that the RAI principles, if crafted with input from small-scale food produce