
Making Fish Healthier to Eat: EPA Proposal Raises Hurdles

Widespread pollution in Minnesota, as in other states, has prompted statewide fish consumption advisories based on mercury. Government agencies acknowledge exposure threatens child development, their response is largely limited to reducing exposure - warning women to watch how much fish they eat - putting the burden on the individual to tackle the problem.

US Says Trade Talks Need Support Of Developping Countries To Succeed

US trade representive Robert Zoellick called Wednesday on big developing countries to play their part in getting stalled global trade liberalisation talks off the ground. "To take on the challenges of global trade, especially in the Doha negociations, we will need the support of the developing economies", Zoellick said at a press conference at the French senate.

One Nation, Underperforming

Grist | By Bill McKibben | April 5, 2004 California unveiled the design on its state quarter last week: a picture of John Muir, an image of Half Dome. It's an apt representation of American environmentalism at the moment -- rich in history, but not worth much at present.

Why We Say No to CAFTA

This report on the U.S.-Central American Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA) was released by Bloque Popular Centroamericano, the Alliance for Responsible Trade and the Hemispheric Social Alliance. Through the collective effort of U.S. and Central American groups, this analysis sounds the warning that CAFTA would throw into chaos everything from agriculture to pharmaceutical drug prices.