
Mbeki Lashes WTO, Globalisation

From Business Report / Independent Newspapers, South Africa / By Peter Galli San Francisco - The failure of globalisation to effectively address the needs of developing countries was one of the main reasons behind South Africa's high unemployment rate and lack of foreign investment, President Thabo Mbeki said on Wednesday.

ADB Pledges to Fight Poverty

Reuters Asia's top banking showcase drew to a close on Monday amid tight security with promises of a region-wide fight against poverty. The last day of the Asian Development Bank annual meeting in the northern Thai city of Chiang Mai focused on an ADB plan to channel hundreds of millions of dollars into targetted anti-poverty programmes.

Quad Group Expected to Offer LDCs Better Deal at WTO

By Brian Kenety BRUSSELS, May 2 (IPS) - The 'Quad Group' of countries - the European Union (EU), the United States, Canada and Japan - are expected to announce at a meeting of the World Trade Organisation's (WTO) ruling body May 3 that they are ready to dismantle duties and quotas on 99 percent of imports from the world's 48 least-developed countries (LDCs).