
WTO May Fail Poorer Nations September 3, 2003 Kuala Lumpur - Expressing pessimism about the next round of global trade talks, South African President Thabo Mbeki suggested on Wednesday that poorer nations link up with anti-globalisation protest groups to win a better deal on international trade.

Tariffs, Subsidies, Trade and All That

Public Agenda (Ghana) | August 17, 2003 In this era of globalisation one of the certainties of visiting a developed country like Ghana, is the perceptible western lifestyle one sees on the streets, hotels and even homes. This is made possible by the intrusion of powerful transnational multi-media that bombard homes with the `so-called western virtues.'

Fair Trade, no Trade in Asia as Social Issues are Left on the Shelf

Agence France Presse | By Karl Malakunas | July 20, 2003 The global campaign to sell "fair trade" coffee, chocolate and other common consumer products is a long way from succeeding in Asia as the region's middle and upper classes pay scant attention to social issues when shopping, industry players and social campaigners say.

NGOs: More Than Flower Power

Christian Science Monitor | By Peter Ford | July 11, 2003 When Global Exchange decided to make Starbucks sell "fair trade" coffee, the nongovernmental organization campaigning for more thoughtful and fairer ways of running the world economy planned dramatic demonstrations outside the chain's outlets nationwide.