
A rural response to climate change: Introducing the Rural Climate Network

The annual global climate talks are underway this week in Warsaw, Poland. The agenda for the 19th session of the Conference of Parties (COP 19) to the U.N. Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), as the climate talks are formally called, includes discussions on “issues relating to agriculture” with climate change adaptation identified, appropriately, as a primary focus.

Group Comments Submitted to the Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technical Advice (SBSTA)

The following three documents were submitted to SBSTA by a coalition of groups providing comments on Decision 1/CP.18. #1 - Non-market-based approaches: Decision 1/CP. 18, paragraph 48: Views from Parties and admitted observer organizations on the matters referred to in paragraph 47 of document FCCC/CP/2012/L.14/Rev.1.

Building stability through biodiversity: Facing climate change with Martin and Loretta Jaus

“I think we came in April and it was within a month or two when all the ground was still bare and black and we had one of those two- or three-day blows and I had drifts of soil on my window sills and I'm thinking ‘Hmmm this isn't good.’ That was probably what sparked us to start making some of the changes we did.”