Farm Bill

Uprooted Episode 57: The Farm Bill: A Citizen's Guide

Josh talks with Dan Imhoff and Christina Badaracco about the 3rd edition of their book, The Farm Bill: A Citizen's Guide. We talk about the history of the Farm Bill, how it got the way it is, and how it can be transformed to support a future of sustainable agriculture and food security.

Farm Bill expiration abandons farmers

The 2014 Farm Bill expired on Sunday, stranding nearly 40 programs and compounding the uncertainty in farm country. Congress did not pass an extension of the bill, and now, they are unlikely to revisit the Farm Bill until after harvest and the midterm elections. This situation highlights the growing disconnect between Washington and what’s happening on the ground with farmers and the rural economy.

Will the Farm Bill deliver for the climate?

The clock is ticking—for our farmers and for the planet. From wildfires to drought, climate-related extreme weather events are taking a toll on farmers and increasing in frequency and cost. Despite these risks, Congress has consistently placed its head firmly in the sand when it comes to addressing climate change in the Farm Bill.

CFFE Statement on President Trump's Visit to Iowa

President Trump’s bailout is a Band Aid for a farm economy that is hemorrhaging. We need to ask why U.S. farmers and rural communities are so vulnerable to tariffs from other countries. The answer is a broken farm policy, created by corporate agribusiness, that prioritizes overproduction over everything else — including our farmers, our communities and our environment.