
Letter to the Commodity Futures Trading Commission Markets Risk Advisory Committee's Climate Related Market Risk Subcommittee

The Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy (IATP) appreciates the opportunity to respond to the issues identified in the Notice. IATP first wrote on June 19, 2019 to the Commission on these issues. We are responding to four of five topics outlined in the Notice, plus our “Urgency and ambition” topic. IATP hopes that these brief comments will help the Subcommittee prepare its report for MRAC. We look forward to reading the report and to commenting on the CFTC’s proposals for implementing the “actionable materials” recommended by MRAC following its review of the report.

Doing "a big number" on commodity market regulation

Then-candidate Donald Trump campaigned as the scourge of Wall Street. But now-President Trump has promised to “do a big number” on the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Financial Protection Act. Most media coverage of the promised “big number” has focused on the gutting of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau and the pushing through of legislation that U.S.