
IATP has been advocating for fair and sustainable agriculture and food systems for more than 35 years. Learn more about our agriculture work on our Agriculture & Food Systems page

As ag exports grow, Peter gets robbed

Farm and Food File Alan Guebert When stumping for farm votes, any politician worth his snakeskin boots will say the word "exports" as he shakes your hand. If you fail to rise to the bait, the glad-hander quickly will add the phrase "free trade" to convince you he understands farmers.

Free Trade a Myth, Says New Zealand Meat Board Director

By FOX Andrea A MEAT BOARD director says international tolerance for New Zealand's "holier than thou" free-trade preaching is running out. John McCarthy said yesterday that the free-trade concept promoted by political and farming leaders was a lemon. Free trade would never happen and if it did, could backfire badly on New Zealand red-meat producers.