
IATP has been advocating for fair and sustainable agriculture and food systems for more than 35 years. Learn more about our agriculture work on our Agriculture & Food Systems page

Hong Kong Legislature Approves US$32.8 Million To Host WTO Meeting

Hong Kong's legislature approved 256 million Hong Kong dollars (US$32.8 million) on Friday to host the World Trade Organization's sixth ministerial conference, the government said. Financial Secretary Henry Tang said he welcomed the legislature's approval and the Hong Kong government will now proceed "full steam ahead" with the necessary preparations for the conference.

US Says Trade Talks Need Support Of Developping Countries To Succeed

US trade representive Robert Zoellick called Wednesday on big developing countries to play their part in getting stalled global trade liberalisation talks off the ground. "To take on the challenges of global trade, especially in the Doha negociations, we will need the support of the developing economies", Zoellick said at a press conference at the French senate.

Monsanto Halts Plan For Biotech Wheat

Most of Minnesota's wheat farmers are disappointed that Monsanto is shelving plans for genetically modified wheat that would have been grown mostly in this region, Dave Torgerson, president of the Minnesota Association of Wheat Growers, said Tuesday.

OECD:China Near Overheating, Soft Landing Most Likely

There are some signs that China's economy is overheating, but the most likely scenario is for a "soft landing" via a gradual cooling of growth rates, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development said Tuesday in its latest Economic Outlook report.

The Heavy Thud Of American Cotton

Uncle Sam got slapped on the side of the head last month when a World Trade Organization (WTO) panel ruled that multibillion-dollar subsidies by the US to domestic cotton producers violated international trade rules. "This is big stuff," says Clyde Prestowitz, president of the Economic Strategy Institute in Washington.