
IATP has been advocating for fair and sustainable agriculture and food systems for more than 35 years. Learn more about our agriculture work on our Agriculture & Food Systems page

Supachai Backs Indian Farmer

World Trade Organisation director general Supachai Panitchpakdi has said that developed country members have to recognise the sensitivities of developing countries such as India in agriculture if the on-going WTO negotiations are to move forward.

U.N. Forum Delegates Cite Technology Gap

The technology gap between poor and rich countries remains a major barrier to easing world poverty, officials said at a U.N. forum on trade and development. Poor countries said they can't afford better technology when they are already struggling to fix crumbling roads, feed the hungry and vaccinate children.

FTAA Nudged From Spotlight By Other Free-Trade Deals

With talks for an Americas-wide free trade pact deadlocked over farm subsidies, executives of companies active in Latin America are increasingly turning attention to opportunities from other smaller, pending free-trade deals. A study released Wednesday found the strongest interest in free-trade talks between Europe and South America's Brazil-led Mercosur group.