IATP has been advocating for fair and sustainable agriculture and food systems for more than 35 years. Learn more about our agriculture work on our Agriculture & Food Systems page.
El mundo est� al borde de una crisis sin precedentes ocasionada por la falta de agua. Esta situaci�n se
presenta ante el crecimiento de la poblaci�n, de los requerimientos alimenticios, as� como por la creciente
industrializaci�n y urbanizaci�n.
One of a series of fact sheets examining the 2007 Farm Bill that was published by IATP. To read the entire series see "Understanding the Farm Bill" in our 2007 Farm Bill collection.
Analysis of the 2007 Farm Bill was produced by IATP as a collection of five fact sheets under the title “Understanding the Farm Bill” to target the impacts of the Farm Bill in specific areas.
U.S. farmers have planted a post-World War II record amount of land with corn. Researchers report an all-time record for the size of the dead (hypoxic) zone in the Gulf of Mexico. Is there a connection?