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Watch a recording of the webinar "From First Bite to Full Tray: Buying local foods for your school meals!" Part of a Farm to School 101 Webinar Series from the MN Farm to School Leadership Team, the webinar was held on Wednesday, June 29, 2022 and hosted as a collaboration between the MN Department of Agriculture; MN Department of Education, U of MN Extension and the Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy. 

In this webinar, we get into the details of where and how to purchase local foods to serve in your school meals, sharing resources, best practices and on-the-ground case studies to help you succeed. Learn a variety of strategies for finding farmers, planning for procurement needs and purchasing safe local food for your school meals.


  • Rachel Doherty, Farm to School Coordinator at Mesabi East School District

  • Jane Jewett, Associate Director, Minnesota Institute for Sustainable Agriculture

  • Annalisa Hultberg, Food Safety Extension Educator, University of Minnesota

Hear from members of the Farm to School Leadership Team and Minnesota school food service professionals sharing tips and tricks to find and purchase local foods!