Press Advisory from the Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy

September 25, 2002

For Immediate Release

Contact: Ben Lilliston, 612-870-3416,

Sustainable Forestry Display Opens at Audubon Center of the North Woods

Minneapolis – A new interactive display that describes sustainable forestry practices will have its grand opening at the Audubon Center of the North Woods Annual Fall Open House this Saturday, September 28.

The display showcases Minnesota forestland that has been certified by the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) as well-managed. The interactive display will educate visitors about healthy forestry practices, how a healthy forest supports more variety of wildlife, and the interesting and beautiful products that are made from selectively harvested wood. Minnesota is a pioneer in FSC forest certification with almost one million acres of county, state and private forestland recognized as practicing responsible forestry.

The Audubon Center of the North Woods ( is one of the nation’s leading environmental learning centers, including education programs for students and teachers, youth camps, and adult programs.

The sustainable forestry display was made possible with support from the Community Forestry Resource Center, a Project of the Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy; the state of Minnesota Environment and Natural Resources Trust Fund Project: Colonial Craft; McKnight Foundation; Hummingbird Graphics; The Woodshop of Avon; and Avonite.

The unveiling of the display will be held in the Bell Family Exhibit Hall at 11:30 am. To RSVP, call 320-245-2648, or 1-888-404-7743.

The Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy promotes resilient family farms, rural communities and ecosystems around the world through research and education, science and technology, and advocacy.
