Shining a
Light on Local Farming:
Consumers called key to reversing mega-farm trend
By Jennifer Gish,
quotes Mary Hendrickson, PhD
York Dispatch News
March 7, 2004
Online at:,1413,137%257E30717%257E2002021,00.html
Sunday, March 07, 2004 - Paul Sauder leaves egg farming to the farmers.
For the most part,
the president of Lancaster County-based Sauder's Eggs considers himself a
marketing guy.
He designs his own packaging. Created a line of ready-made hard-boiled eggs in three flavors. And persuaded a couple of grocery stores to improve eggs' appeal by stationing several dozens in their produce departments, flanked by tantalizing photos of vegetable omelets offering themselves up for dinner.
So when one of his
buyers requested organic eggs, he contracted with some local organic farmers to
produce them.
And when customers
began questioning how chickens were being treated, Sauder had the farms
supplying him reduce the number of hens housed in each cage.
"If there's a
need out there and people are willing to pay for it, we figure out ways to do
it," Sauder said.
Nationwide, the
pressure to provide uniform, low-cost ingredients and meet the demand for
convenience and prepackaged foods has led the agricultural industry to look for
ways to improve efficiency to turn a healthy profit.
In some cases, farms
began using antibiotics and growth hormones to speed live- stock production.
Mega-farms -- called Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations -- became a common
part of the industry.
But in the process,
thousands of farms across the nation merged or died off, leaving a small group
of suppliers who now dominate the market and keep squeezing the remaining
According to a study
by the University of Missouri, four companies control 81 percent of the
nation's beef packing industry and nearly 60 percent of the pork business.
About 260 companies produce 95 percent of the eggs consumed in the United
States, down from 2,500 egg producers in the 1980s, according to the American
Egg Board.
Local producers such
as Sauder are battling back with marketing campaigns, pressuring grocery chains
to buy local, and putting stock in a new state program that should make it
easier for consumers to find food raised in Pennsylvania.
They're trying to
make money at a time when the gap between what the farmer receives for his
product and the price consumers pay has widened dramatically, according to the
U.S. Department of Agriculture.
Failed rescue: Federal legislation like the Freedom to Farm
Act of 1996 was supposed to save small agriculture by providing $73.5 billion
in federal funding to farmers for expanded trade programs, marketing and rural
development, said Mary Hendrickson, associate professor of rural sociology at
the University of Missouri.
But she said it
subsidized corporate agriculture instead, better positioning the companies to
drive smaller farms out of business.
For example, two of
the nation's biggest food producers were among the top five federal subsidy
recipients in 2002.
Cargill Inc., which
ranks among the four largest beef, pork and turkey packers in the United States
and is the No. 1 soybean and corn exporter, received nearly $11 million in USDA
subsidies in 2002.
While Pilgrim's
Pride, the third largest broiler chicken and fourth largest turkey producer in
the nation, received $15 million in federal farm subsidies.
Yet in a briefing paper on food market structures, the USDA warns that "high concentration may harm agricultural producers and consumers, without providing offsetting benefits to society."
Consumers drive
trend: Russell Redding,
executive deputy secretary of the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture, told
public officials at the Farm Show last month that consumers are responsible for
the trend toward mega-farms.
"The reality is
you and I in our purchasing decisions every day are driving the change to
CAFOs," Redding said.
Prepackaged food
producers require massive quantities of uniform ingredients, he said, which
lends itself to large-scale production rather than small, local farms.
So if consumers want
to reverse the trend, Hendrickson said, they must change their eating habits.
"Consumers can
vote with their dollar, but they can also demand better," she said.
People need to
demand government reform, she said, such as enforcement of anti-trust laws and
food-safety regulations that don't favor large-scale enterprises.
She said some in
agriculture claim consolidation is simply progress, and the movement in support
of local farms promotes antiquated agriculture.
"It makes me
cringe every time I hear, 'Oh we're going to go back in time,'"
Hendrickson said, adding that new varieties of crops that naturally resist
disease and drought without the use of chemicals and other additives are being
developed all the time.
Newer doesn't always
mean better, she said.
Old becomes new: Egg producers actually went back in time
when they reduced the number of hens housed in each cage.
Producers who
initially balked at recommendations to allow for more cage room soon discovered
that roomier quarters reduced stress in the chickens. The animals were sick
less often and produced more eggs than before, Sauder said.
Driven by consumer
concerns, the industry group United Egg Producers recommended allowing 67
square inches of cage space per bird, rather than the standard 48 square
inches. The change reduces the number of birds in each cage from as many as 10
to seven.
reservations, more than 80 percent of egg manufacturers have participated in
the voluntary national program and can stamp their products with the
"Animal Welfare" seal.
But despite consumer
demands, the grocery market hasn't always been friendly to local producers.
Some major grocery
chains have contracts with their suppliers, which prohibit the stores from
selling competing local products, said Aaron Heindel, general manager of H.E.
Heindel and Sons' farm in Chanceford Township. The farm is hoping to have its
Hope Acres dairy products available in small grocery stores by the summer.
Sauder said pricing
is often the biggest obstacle to putting local products on store shelves. He
said many grocery store and restaurant owners aren't willing to pay even two to
three cents more per dozen for his eggs.
So the president of
the third-generation, Litiz-based egg business tells them about Pennsylvania's
food-safety program for egg producers, which requires farmers to monitor environmental
conditions in the chicken houses, disinfect between flocks and control rodents.
Small advantages: He explains that the Pennsylvania Egg
Quality Assurance Program ranks among the most stringent food-safety programs
in the country, and has reduced the frequency of salmonella outbreaks by more
than 70 percent since the program started in 1992.
He also reminds
restaurant owners that other eggs may be a little cheaper, but it only takes
one case of salmonella to put a restaurant out of business.
Take the Chi-Chi's
case earlier this year, he says, when the restaurant chain lost customers
because some green onions from Mexico carried Hepatitis A. Last week, the chain
announced it was closing 26 restaurants in part triggered by a slump in
business after the outbreak.
His eggs, he argues,
are also more fresh than those shipped in from Iowa or Ohio, the other top
egg-producing states. He said he once saw out-of-state eggs on a supermarket
shelf that were 97 days old, compared to his eggs, which typically arrive in
the store a few days after they've left the chicken house.
Armed with these
arguments for his product, Sauder successfully convinced two local grocers --
Weis Markets and Shurfine Markets -- to sell Sauder's Eggs. The company also
processes the store-brand eggs for both retailers.
In an effort to make
their products more appealing to grocers, the Heindels recently devoted
$100,000 to marketing research and developing new packaging so they can get
their milk onto big retailers' shelves. They stress their natural production
methods and the family's agricultural tradition by using their labels to
explain how their grandfather started the farm.
Sales at their Brown
Cow Country Market along the southern stretch of Route 74 are strong, Heindel said,
but not substantial enough to cover the expense of running their own
manufacturing and bottling operation.
Admittedly, he said,
their 3,000-cow farm can afford $100,000 in marketing and development work,
while a smaller dairy could not.
But if Hope Acres is
successful, it may able to use smaller farms as suppliers and allow those
farmers to make a living while contributing to the local economy.
Help for local
farms: Sauder said he
expects the state's new Pennsylvania Preferred program, which allows shoppers
to identify local products more easily, to increase business and provide new
opportunities for all Pennsylvania farmers.
Preferred was initiated by a group of chefs in the Philadelphia suburbs who
wanted to support local agriculture.
The state Department
of Agriculture picked up on the program as a way to meet consumer demand for
locally produced food and to give Pennsylvania farmers a way to capture more
control in an increasingly consolidated industry.
For instance,
Pennsylvania is well known for dairy production, yet the two biggest milk
suppliers here are Land O' Lakes and Dairy Farmers of America, said Deputy
Secretary of Agriculture Cheryl Cook.
On one hand,
Pennsylvania farmers who supply milk for those cooperatives don't incur as high
production costs, but on the other hand, much of the profit goes to the
out-of-state companies and farmers don't have much control over their own
farms, Cook said.
Giant and Weis were
among the first local grocery chains to sign up for Pennsylvania Preferred,
Cook said, and as participants have promised to carry at least 50 items with
the Pennsylvania Preferred label and promote those products in their stores.
But there's more to
the program than product labeling. The department will also start "produce
terminals" where Pennsylvania growers can have their produce weighed and
packaged. The terminals then serve as a distribution center for grocery stores.
Interest in organic
foods, safety concerns and better marketing of local products on the part of
farmers encouraged the state to invest in Pennsylvania Preferred.
People also worry
about preserving the rural landscape here, Cook said, particularly in
southeastern Pennsylvania, where farms are disappearing at an alarming rate.
A recent study
revealed that more than 90 percent of Pennsylvanians polled said they would buy
local and state products if they could be easily identified.
And the majority
said they'd be willing to pay anywhere from 5 percent to 10 percent more for
those products if they were supporting local farmers, she said.
Preferred will be running full force by July, Cook estimated, and the future of
agriculture may be told by its success.
"This whole thing really depends on consumers to follow through on what they're telling us," Cook said.