November 23, 1999
Dear Member of the Media:
As you know, the Seattle Round of the World Trade Organization (WTO) Ministerial meetings will begin in less than one week in Seattle. The decisions made during this next round of trade talks will in good part shape the future of our nation's independent farmers and ranchers.
Too often in trade policy discussions we see the interests of independent farmers and ranchers overshadowed by the broader category of "agricultural interests," including exporters, importers, processors, suppliers, manufacturers and other agribusiness. In fact, the trade interests of independent agricultural producers often are fundamentally at odds with those of other agricultural sectors.
For these reasons, we have formed a coalition to advocate for U.S. farmers and ranchers in the debate that will take place during this trade round. At this time, the "Seattle Round for Farmers and Ranchers Committee" includes the following organizations: the National Farmers Union, Alabama Farmers Federation, American Agriculture Movement, Burley Tobacco Growers, National Farmers Organization, National Peanut Growers' Group, and the Southwestern Peanut Growers Association. Other organizations have been invited to participate and we expect others to join us in our effort.
We will be working during the upcoming talks to advance an agenda that ensures future trade accords give farmers and ranchers the opportunity to enhance their net income and strengthen their position in the marketplace.
This packet contains material on our priorities for the new round as well as information on the member organizations of the coalition and how they may be contacted during the Seattle talks. We encourage you to get in touch with us prior to and throughout the WTO negotiations for comment.
We look forward to working with you.
Seattle Round for Farmers and Ranchers Committee
(General staff contact: Erika Batcheller, NFU Director of Communications, 202/314-3104. From Nov. 29-Dec. 3 at (206) 443-4300 or by cell at (202) 256-1580.)
The Seattle Round for Farmers and Ranchers Committee believes the following agricultural trade challenges must be addressed in the upcoming round of WTO talks:
National Farmers Union (NFU) is a general farm organization with a membership of nearly 300,000 farm and ranch families throughout the United States. For nearly 100 years, NFU's primary goal has been to strengthen family farm and ranch agriculture. NFU is a federation, with the presidents of the 22 state and regional Farmers Union organizations serving as its board of directors. The organization's members represent a wide range of commodities and types of agricultural production. NFU serves its membership by assisting with adult and youth education, by providing stimulus and know-how for farmer-owned cooperatives, and by presenting the organization's policies to lawmakers at the local, state and national levels.
National Farmers Union's president and board of directors will be in Seattle for the WTO talks.
Staff contact: Erika Batcheller, NFU Director of Communications
Office: 202/314-3104
Cell: 202/256-1580
Seattle: Warwick Hotel at 206/443-4300
Leland Swenson, NFU President
Office: 303/338-2913
Cell: 303/638-2408
Seattle: Crowne Plaza Hotel at 206/464-1980
Tom Buis, NFU Vice President, Government Relations
Office: 202/314-3107
Cell: 202/256-1579
Seattle: Warwick Hotel at 206/443-4300
Clay Pederson, NFU Vice President, Administration
Office: 303/338-2515
Cell: 303/881-4580
Seattle: Warwick Hotel at 206/443-4300
National Farmers Union Board of Directors
Seattle contact phone : Crowne Plaza Hotel at 206/464-1980
Arkansas Farmers Union -- Jim Miller, President
California Farmers Union -- Scott Magneson, President
Idaho Farmers Union -- Gary Turner, President
Illinois Farmers Union -- Larry Quandt, President
Indiana Farmers Union -- Larry Coomer, President
Iowa Farmers Union -- John Whitaker, President
Kansas Farmers Union -- Ivan Wyatt, President
Michigan Farmers Union -- Carl McIlvain, President
Minnesota Farmers Union -- Dave Frederickson, President
Montana Farmers Union -- Art Loendorf, President
Nebraska Farmers Union -- John Hansen, President
North Dakota Farmers Union -- Richard Schlosser, Vice President
Ohio Farmers Union -- Charlie Nash, President
Oklahoma Farmers Union -- Phillip Klutts, President
Oregon Farmers Union -- Debra Matthews, President
Pennsylvania Farmers Union -- Robert Junk, President
Rocky Mountain Farmers Union -- Dave Carter, President
South Dakota Farmers Union -- Dennis Wiese, President
Texas Farmers Union -- Wes Sims, President
Utah Farmers Union -- Arthur Douglas, President
Washington Farmers Union -- Alan Ham, President
Wisconsin Farmers Union -- Bill Brey, President
With almost 400,000 farm and non-farm members, the Alabama Farmers Federation is Alabama's largest and most diversified farm organization. An independent, non-government organization, the Alabama Farmers Federation (also known as Alfa Farmers) is a grassroots organization made up of farmers, led by farmers and dedicated to serving farmers. The organization's purpose has remained the same since it was established in 1921: to represent agriculture and serve farmers. The Alabama Farmers Federation is the farmer's lobbyist, his professional society and his public relations representative; his marketing consultant, his information source and, for him and his family, a social organization, a civic and service club and a support group.
Jerry Newby, President
(334) 288-3900
The mission of the American Agriculture Movement (AAM) is to facilitate the cooperative efforts of farmers and ranchers and other interested persons, to obtain for those persons engaged in agriculture an equitable share of the national economy, to secure an adequate and dependable supply of wholesome, nutritious and affordable food and other agricultural products for consumption by the public. AAM holds the beliefs of our Founding Fathers that broad ownership of property is paramount to preserving a free society. The organization believes that the concentration of wealth and political power poses a threat to our nation and that the solution rests in allowing the raw materials sector to properly price its production. AAM advocates on behalf of these issues and aims to work with consumers to promote common interests.
Bob Hemminger, President
Buddy Vance, Vice President
Tom Ashbridge, National Director
Lynn Kirkpatrick, Marketing (will be in Seattle)
The mission of the Burley Tobacco Growers Cooperative is to administer the price support program for burley tobacco (type 31) in the states of Kentucky, Indiana, Ohio, Missouri, and West Virginia. Organized in 1941, the "Pool" has provided a stable burley tobacco market for its producers, now in excess of 150,000 members. The group's members are "any persons, firms or corporations that own land to which a Burley Tobacco Quota is assigned and any tenant or lessee of such land." The Burley Tobacco Growers Cooperative began with the aim to help tobacco farmers receive fair prices, develop a stronger voice, and maintain a better way of life for all burley producers. The organization is still working hard to accomplish these goals today.
Danny McKinney, Chief Executive Officer
(606) 252-3561
National Farmers Organization's (NFO) mission is to improve agricultural commodity prices by acting as a group-marketing agent for its members. It provides services offered by no other major agricultural group. The organization was founded in 1955 and now handles millions of dollars in agricultural commodities daily. The organization currently serves farmers in 34 major agricultural states.
Perry Garner
Communications Director
The National Peanut Growers' Group (NPGG) is the only national organization that represents only peanut farmers, while recommending policy. The NPGG is made up of representatives of the nine major peanut-producing states. Established in 1972, the organization serves as a unified body with a single voice in representing the nation's peanut producers.
Wilbur Gamble, President
Bob Sutter, Vice President
Dan Hunter, Secretary-Treasurer
Larry Meyers, Washington, D.C., consultant
The Southwestern Peanut Growers' Association (SWPGA) represents peanut growers in the West and Southwestern United States, essentially covering all production west of the Mississippi River. The main peanut-producing states in the Southwest are Texas, Oklahoma and New Mexico. In addition to its grower services, SWPGA administers the U.S. Department of Agriculture No-Net Cost loan program for peanuts in the Southwest.
Dan Hunter
Larry Meyers, Washington, D.C., consultant