Press Release from the Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy

December 18, 2002

Contact: Sophia Murphy, 612-203-5648

Ben Lilliston, 301-270-4787

New WTO Agriculture Trade Text Reveals Wide Differences

Structural Changes Needed to Fix Market Distortions Slighted

Minneapolis - The World Trade Organization (WTO) introduced a negotiating text on agriculture today that shows how far apart developed and developing countries remain while continuing to ignore critical issues facing farmers and food security around the world, according to the Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy.

The 90-page document is scheduled to be debated by WTO members over the next several months before a final agreement is reached in March. That agreement will then be put on hold until other items on the WTO agenda are agreed upon.

"It stretches reality to think that the WTO can take 90 pages of major differences and turn it into 10 pages of agreement in three months," says IATP Trade Director Sophia Murphy. "How can members address these disagreements, and engage their elected officials and other interested parties in such a short time? This schedule is unrealistic and further undermines the so-called development spirit of Doha."

Some of the key differences separating countries include:


To read the full text of the WTO agriculture proposal, go to:

The Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy promotes resilient family farms, rural communities and ecosystems around the world through research and education, science and technology, and advocacy.
