Minneapolis City Council


Urging the City of Minneapolis to include certified organic food vendors as an option in contract negotiations and to urge the federal government to label and test genetically engineered (g.e.) foods as well as to assign liability to the commercial developers of g.e. technology.


Whereas, consumers of any food product have the right to complete confidence and thorough knowledge of any ingredient in their food or other products; and

Whereas, genetically engineered (g.e.) foods have not been adequately tested by any federal agency for long-term impacts on human health or the environment; and

Whereas, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) suggests only that companies engineering foods state that g.e. foods are safe, but requires no further testing; and

Whereas, numerous bioengineers and related distinguished scientists have gone on record stating this technology clearly is different from traditional breeding methods and is highly probable to exhibit a host of undesirable health and environmental risk factors; and

Whereas, competent scientific researchers have suggested that g.e. foods, seed, and other products could pose risks to the environment, including damaged soil ecology, harmful effects to wildlife, increased use of farm chemicals, and other potential effects; and

Whereas, scientists and other researchers have indicated that g.e. crops may harm beneficial insect species, such as Monarch butterflies, as well as threatened and endangered insect species; and

Whereas, g.e. materials could have serious impacts on levels of toxins in food, antibiotic resistance, cancer, immuno-suppression, and allergic reactions, and may be particularly threatening to children and the elderly; and

Whereas, in the event of a serious health impact and an ensuing lawsuit, the federal government has not yet assigned liability to the commercial developers of g.e. foods; and

Whereas, g.e. foods are growing in prevalence in the United States and around the world, without sufficient regulation or research; and

Whereas, many community organizations, representing farmers and sustainable agriculture interests, as well as consumers, environmentalists and others, have argued for a moratorium on g.e. foods (, and some countries have effectively-if not officially-instituted a moratorium, including France, Italy, Denmark, Greece, and Luxembourg; and

Whereas, the European Commission has agreed on terms to guarantee the labeling of g.e. foods;

Now, Therefore, Be It Resolved by The City Council of The City of Minneapolis:

That the City Council of Minneapolis formally state to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) that all g.e. foods should be labeled clearly, that all g.e. material should be thoroughly researched and regulated, that liability should be assigned to the commercial developers of g.e. foods, and that, until these materials are proven safe, that the FDA, the EPA, and the USDA should establish a moratorium on these products.

Be It Further Resolved that the Minneapolis City Council endorses House Bills 3883 named the "Genetically Engineered Food Safety Act," and 3377 and its companion Senate Bill 2080 named the "Genetically Engineered Food Right-to-Know Act."

Be It Further Resolved that the City Council urges that all City departments and agencies include certified organic food vendors as an option during any and all contract negotiations.

Be It Further Resolved that the City Council urges that, by January of 2001, special events held by City departments and City agencies include caterers that avoid g.e. ingredients and use certified organic foods and Minnesota Grown organic foods as an option.

Be It Further Resolved that the City Council urges the Minneapolis School District to consider offering certified organic lunches as an option.