President William Jefferson Clinton
The White House
Washington DC
17 November 1999
Dear President Clinton,
We the undersigned are horrified to learn that the United States delegation in Geneva has specifically rejected incorporating references to other relevant international agreements in the draft Ministerial Declaration being prepared for the Seattle meeting of the World Trade Organization. As we enter the 21st century, it is imperative that global coherence refer not only to coherence among the WTO, IMF and World Bank; equally if not more important for global food security, health and welfare is coherence among the WTO, other treaty bodies and the many United Nations agencies.
In particular, the Convention on Biological Diversity and the World Health Organization have debated and concluded that aspects of the WTO's TRIPs Agreement could have a significant impact on the ability of nations to comply with their mandates to conserve, sustainably use and equitably share the benefits of biological diversity and to ensure adequate health care to the peoples of the world. If the WTO is to preserve its authority as an arbiter of international trade, it must recognize that other international laws and understandings must be respected. This recognition should be explicit.
More specifically, we strenuously urge the U.S. delegation in Geneva and those who will be in Seattle to acknowledge the rights of nations to control their biological resources; to guarantee the a priori rights of local communities to use, save and exchange seeds; and to provide essential medicines at affordable prices. Thus, we respectfully request the U.S. soften its position regarding TRIPs to accept the developing countries' proposals to:
Thank you for your attention to these matters. Please reply to Kristin Dawkins, Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy, 2105 First Avenue South, Minneapolis, MN 55404 or by fax: 612-870-4846 or by email
CC: Ambassador Charlene Barshefsky, U.S. Trade Representative Ambassador Rita Hayes, U.S. Mission in Geneva Joseph Papovich, U.S.T.R. Office for Services, Investment and Intellectual Property
Note: Affiliations following an individual's name do not necessarily imply organizational endorsement.
Elinor Bajraktari, Helping Mentally Handicapped Children Association
Australia West Papua Association
Australian Greens
Rita Merlo, CETAAR
Carlos A. Vicente, Acción por la Biodiversidad
Matthias Reichl, Center for Encounters and Active Non-Violence, Bad Ischl
Nayakrishi Andolon ( New Aghricultural Movement)
UBINIG (Policy Research for Development Alternative)
Dr Paul Thompson, International Center for Living Aquatic Resources Management
Wim A. de Bruyn, Founder, ZERO
Dra. Patricia Campos, International Baby Food Action Network (IBFAN Bolivia)
Dr. Oscar Lanza and Dr. Victor Hugo Bernal, Accion Internacional Para La Salud (AIS-Bolivia)
Dr. Luis Palacios Sarabia, Fundacion por la Naturaleza y la Vida (FUNAVI Bolivia)
Sr. Rodrigo Urquieta, Comite de Defensa de los Derechos del Consumidor en Bolivia (CODEDEDCO)
PACS- Instituto de Politicas Economicas para o Cone Sul-Brasil
Gisela S. De Alencar, Environmental Law Commission - Brazilian Bar Association and Lawyers for a Green Planet Institute
Dr. John L. Munro, Principal Scientist, ICLARM Caribbean/Eastern Pacific Office
Granby Wilderness Society, Grand Forks, BC
Tropical Conservancy
Marie-Luce Fortier, intern with the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization
Colleen Foster, John Foster, Marie-Lousie Kunkel, Jean Bonnner, Fran McRae, Helen Knight, Werner Koetter, Cheryl Thomas, Yellowhead Ecological Association Canada
John James, Chair of KE (Know your Environment)
Mark Kepkay, Kootenay, Conference on Forest Alternatives
Joel Lexchin MD, Medical Reform Group of Ontario
Michael M'Gonigle, Professor of Law, Victoria, BC
Katia S. Mohindra, International Development Research Centre (IDRC)
Marnie Yourchuk, Adults in Motion Private School , Garden River First Nation
Centro de Debate y Acción Ambiental
Instituto Latinoamericano de Servicios Legales Alternativos, ILSA
Germán Vélez, Fundación SWISSAID, Colombia
COECOCEIBA, Friends of the Earth - Costa Rica
Dr. David Nelson, Centro de Estudios e Investigaciones en Salud y Nutricion
Aboul-Fetouh Saad Shalaby, Cairo University
Fiji Council of Churches Research Group
Friends of the Earth - Finland
Mr. Henri Rinkinen, Finnish MS-Society
Thomas Wallgren, Coalition for Environment and Development
Meredyth Bowler-Ailloud, RONGEAD
Pierre Chirac, Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF), Paris
Jean-Luc Simon, Groupement Français des Personnes Handicapées
Federal Association against Animal Experiments - People for Animal Rights Germany
Dr. Frank Biermann, Secretariat of the German Advisory Council on Global Change
Dr. Anita Idel, Autorin und Tierärztin
Eberhard Hitzler, Protestant Church in Germany
Jochen Prinz, Bund gegen Missbrauch der Tiere e.V., Animal Welfare
Dr. Wolfgang Sachs, Wuppertal Institute
Ute Sprenger, Publicist/consultant, Berlin
Dr. Eckart Stein, Campaign To Ban Genetically Engineered Foods
Research Foundation for Science Technology and Ecology
Ashish Kothari, Kalpavriksh - Environmental Action Group
Habitat International Coalition
Ashok Emani, Programme Coordinator, People's Food Rights Campaign
Dr. Vandana Shiva, Research Foundation for Science Technology and Ecology (RFSTE)
PAN Indonesia
George Sitania, Environmental Activist
Ali Sofiawan, Environmental Activist
Centro Internazionale Crocevia, Rome
Nunzia Coppedé, Chair Disabled Peoples' International/Italy
Fabrizia Pratesi, Comitato Scientifico Antivivisezionista and
Fondo Imperatrice Nuda Contro La Sperimentazione Animale
Serena D. Atkinson, Global Village
Dr. Siyad A. Abdullahi, M.B.B.S., MPH
Green Liberty
Souly Phanouvong, B.Pharm, D.Pharm, PhD, Former Deputy-Director,
National Food and Drug Control Centre
Center for Orang Asli Concerns
Dr Patricia Almada-Villela, Consultant in Conservation and Aquatic Biology
Francisco Arroyo G.D., Centro de Investigac`ón y Capacitación Rural A.C.
Michel E. HENDRICKX, Instituto de Ciencias del Mar y Limnologia, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico
(Dr) Phoebe Barnard, Namibian National Biodiversity Programme and Biotrade Working Group
Towards a Different Europe
Katherine Japuncic - A SEED Europe - Netherlands
Shawn McGuire, Technology and Agrarian Development Group, Wageningen Agricultural University
Frank van Schaik, Strohalm, Utrecht
Arie Van Den Brand
Consumer Advocates, GE Free Project, Christchurch
Ian Melrose, Revolt Against Genetic Engineering (RAGE)
Susie Lees Nelson, Revolt against Genetic Engineering (RAGE)
Dave Woodward, Touch For Health Association of New Zealand (Inc) and Member, Supervisory Council, NZ Charter of Health Practitioners
Maria Hamlin Zuniga, International People´s Health Council
Magda Lanuza, Centro Alexander von Humboldt
Jan Terje Kristiansen, Nei til EU Org.-/info. Sekretær
Alejandro Argumedo, Indigenous Peoples' Biodiversity Network (IPBN), Cusco
Noe Ramirez, Asociacion Kechua-Aymara for Sustainable Livelihoods, Cusco
Farmer-Scientist Partnership for Development (MASIPAG)
Rita Kapadia, International Center For Living Aquatic Resources Management
Teresita S. Lopez, International Center for Living Aquatic Resources Management
Felipe Ramiro Jr., Agri-Aqua Development Coalition Mindanao
Danilo A. Songco, Caucus of Development NGO Networks (CODE-NGO)
Cesar Villanueva, Secretary General-World Futures Studies Federation (WFSF)
George L. Villegas, Executive Director, HAYUMA Foundation, Inc.
Oscar B. Zamora, Professor, UPLB-College of Agriculture
Jacques Arbi Akerekoro, Executive Director , Arambe NGO
Ryan Hunter, Center for Environmental Public Advocacy
Alternative Information and Development Centre (AIDC), Cape Town/Johannesburg
Patrick Bond, Associate Professor, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg
Rachel Wynberg, Biowatch, South Africa
Jerónimo Aguado Martín, Plataforma Rural
Iñaki Barcena, EKI- Ekologistak Martxan, Basque Country
Francisco Greno
Angeles Parra, Asociacion Vida Sana
José Antonio Pascual Trillo, Amigos de la Tierra - España
Jorge Riechmann, Coordinador del Área de Medio Ambiente de la Fundación 1º de Mayo de CC.OO.
Sergio Tamayo. Secretario de Interpueblos Organización, Asociacion Interpueblos
Alvaro Luis de Toledo Chávarri, GEDEA (Grupo Ecologista de Agrónomos)
Cristina Ortega Vielba, Centro De Investigación y Formacion en Actividades Económicas Sostenibles
Swedish Consumer Coalition (Sveriges Konsumenter i Samverkan)
Inger Källander, The Swedish Ecological Farmers Association
Pernilla Malmer, Swedish Society for Nature Conservation
Basler Appell gegen Gentechnologie
Nadine Keim, Swiss Coalition Of Development Organizations
Schweizerische Arbeitsgruppe Gentechnologie (SAG)
Chao, Jung-Tai, PH.D., Division of Forest Protection, Taiwan Forestry Research Institute
Rural Reconstruction Alumni and Friends Association, Bangkok, Thailand
Tido von Schoen-Angerer, MD, Medecins Sans Frontieres
Bristol Genetix Group, Bristol
Gaia Foundation
genetiX snowball
South Dorset Friends of the Earth - England
The Corner House
Dr Patricia Almada-Villela, Consultant in Conservation and Aquatic Biology
Gaizka Bilbao Laredo, MEng Aeronautical Engineering, University of Bath
Sheila Dillon, Friends of the Earth-UK
Nick Drake, Southampton Campaign Against Arms Trade, Southampton
Nigel Dudley, Sue Stolton, Equilibrium Consultants, Bristol
Graham Dutfield, GTRR, Oxford University
Alan Francis, Executive Chair, Green Party of England & Wales
Ibon Galarraga, Department of Economics and International Development, University of Bath
Harry Hadaway, The Soil Association
Dr. Andrew Herxheimer, Emeritus Fellow, UK Cochrane Centre, Oxford
Dr. M.W. Ho, Institute of Science in Society, c/o Open University
Ruth Jarman, Blackwater Valley Friends of the Earth
Lara Marsh, Tourism Concern
Pamela Mason
Theodoros Papadopoulos, Lecturer in Social Policy,University of Bath, England
Dr. Darrell Addison Posey, Centre for the Environment, Ethics & Society, Mansfield College,
University of Oxford
Ms Kim Reilly, Dept. of Biology and Biochemistry, University of Bath
Dr. Tom Shakespeare, Policy, Ethics and Life Sciences Research Institute, University of Newcastle
Paul Simpson, International Society for Ecology & Culture, Dartington
Claire Smith, Hemel Hempstead GM Action Group
Christian Taylor, School of Biology and Biochemistry, University of Bath
Dr Owain Williams
ACT UP Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA
Bank Information Center, Washington DC
Colombian Lesbian and Gay Association (COLEGA)
Conference of Social Justice Coordinators at the Peace and Justice Center of Southern California
Consumer Nutrition Institute, Washington DC
Food First/Institute for Food and Development Policy, Oakland, California
Grassroots International, Massachusetts
Health GAP Coalition
Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy, Minnesota
Institute Justice Team, Sisters of Mercy of the Americas
Latino Commission on AIDS
Maine Green Party
Mano a Mano, New York City
Milwaukee Pledge of Resistance
Mobilization Against AIDS International, San Francisco, California
MoKan Alliance for Democracy, The Greater Kansas City Area
Nicaragua US Friendship Office
Organic Consumers Association
Organic Growers and Buyers Association, Organic Developments and Organic Resources
Park Slope Food Coop, Environmental Committee, Brooklyn, New York
Pesticide Action Network North America
Rainforest Action Network
Rocky Mountain Chapter of the Sierra Club, International Affairs Committee
United for a Fair Economy, Boston, Massachusetts
Ustawi, Seattle, Washington
Washington Biotechnology Action Coalition
Wisconsin Fair Trade Campaign
Philip L. Bereano, Professor, Department of Technical Communication, University of Washington
Gernot Baeurle
Marc Berthold
Penny Cabot, Stillwaters Fund, Seattle, Washington
Isabel Castillo, Ambiente, Educacion y Desarrollo Sustentable, Bethesda, Maryland
Judith B. Chomsky Esq., Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Michael Connett, Grass Roots & Global Video
Dr. Paul Connett, Professor of Chemistry, St. Lawrence University, Canton, New York
Ellen Connett, Editor, Waste Not, Canton, New York
Chris Desser, Constellation Fund, San Francisco, California
Sarah Delle Hultmark, Phytotoxicologist
Andy Dawkins, State Representative, Minnesota
David Downes, Center for International Environmental Law, Washington DC
Ronnie Dugger, Alliance for Democracy
James Facette, Center for Social Justice and Global Awareness, San Antonio, Texas
William Fiebig (US citizen), Agricultural Officer (Seed Security), Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
John Gershman, Research Fellow, Institute for Health and Social Justice, Massachusetts
Kay Miranda Gilbert, University of California - Los Angeles
Libby J. Goldstein, Southwark/Queen Village Community Garden, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Dr. Louisa S. Hoberman, Austin, Texas
Donald Haberstroh, United Methodist Church, Northern New Jersey Annual Conference
Debra Harry, Indigenous Peoples Council on Biocolonialism
Leigh Hauter, Director, Virginia Consumer Action
Scott Hess, Sustainable Northbay, Petaluma, California
Terry Hetzel
Hunt United Church of Christ Network for Environmental and Economic Responsibility
Antonia Juhasz, Director, American Lands Alliance, Washington DC
Elin Kelsey, Monterey, California
Sydney Levy, International Gay and Lesbian Human Rights Commission (IGLHRC), San Francisco, California
Mark Lynas, Corporate Watch
Ellen Lynch, CSC - Sisters of the Holy Cross, Congregation Justice Committee
Kathleen McAfee, University of California President's Postdoctoral Fellow, UC Santa Cruz
Anne McMullen, CSJ, CSJ Justice Office, Los Angeles California
Lucy Miller, Lawson Valentine Foundation
Leabeth Miller, Oneida Nation Museum, Oneida, Wisconsin
Jerry A. Moles, Global Renaissance LLC
Scott Muellner, HGA Architects, Minnesota
Maureen O'Connor, CSJ Provincial, Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet, CA Province
Aurora Ramos-Castillo, Montgomery College Student
Danielle Short, American Friends Service Committee, Colorado Office
Camela Cowan, Sierra Youth Coalition, California
Sister Marian Tung, Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet, Hawaii
Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet, CA Province
Sisters of Mercy of the Americas, Institute Justice Team
Sisters of Mercy, U.S. Province
Raeann Skenandore, Oneida Tribe of Indians of Wisconsin
Penny Swanson, Appleton, Wisconsin
Peter Stone, Anarchist Action of Rochester
Pemina Yellow Bird, Three Affiliated Tribes (Mandan, Hidatsa and Arikara),
Indigenous Peoples Council on Biocolonialism
Mark Vallianatos, Friends of the Earth-US
Anna Ponte, AVVA Frontera Gran Sabana
Biotechnology Trust of Zimbabwe, Harare
Africa Policy Information Center Development Alternatives with Women for a New Era (DAWN)
A SEED Europe, Amsterdam
Coordinadora, Campesina Europea
Coordination Paysanne Européenne (CPE), European Farmers Coordination
Disabled Peoples International - European Region, Development Office
European Coordination 'No patents on life!
Global Response (Boulder, Colorado)
Grassroots International (Massachusetts)
Greenpeace International
IRENE-International Network
Ocean Voice International (Canada)
People's Decade for Human Rights Education (PDHRE)
Revista "Página Abierta"
The People-Centered Development Forum
Dr Patricia Almada-Villela, Consultant in Conservation and Aquatic Biology
Prof. .J. Bauer, ECOTERRA International (Nairobi, Paris, Cassel, Cebu, Cairns, Curitiba)
K. O'Connell, Director, The Gaia Trust
Dr David Duthie, Environment and Development Group
Giampiero Griffo, Chair of DPI/Europe
Ole Fjord Larsen, Secretary, The United Peoples
Mark Rand, JustAct: Youth Action for Global Justice
Margaretha Ringström, Church of Sweden Aid
Adam Ma'anit, A SEED Europe / Corporate Europe Observatory (CEO), Israel/Netherlands
Elisabeth Piras, free lance worker for the European Fair Trade Association
William W. Rossiter, Cetacean Society International
Peter Sluiter - CONNECT, EU - NGO consultancy
Christine von Weizsaecker, Vice-Pesident for Ecoropa