It's Time for the Environmentalists to Think Small--Real Small: A Call for the Involvement of Environmental Lawyers in Developing Precautionary Policies for Molecular Nanotechnology


By: Paul C. Lin-Easton


Georgetown International Environmental Law Review

Fall 2001


Section: Vol. 14, No. 1; Pg. 107-134; ISSN: 10421858





   This paper alerts the environmental law community of the implications of  molecular nanotechnology, especially its potential for wreaking extreme harm on  the global environment, and to the precautionary measures proposed by the  nanoscience community. It discusses the environmental implications of this new  technology. The paper also examines risk management measures being discussed by  the nanoscience community and scrutinizes them under the lens of the  precautionary principle of international environmental law.




   I. Introduction


   Molecular Nanotechnology-that technology related to the manipulation of  individual molecules and atoms to build complex structures with atomic  precision-promises to be the next technological revolution. Applied to  environmental problems, it could lead to new solutions for sustainable  development and cleaning up the environment. Despite these benefits, molecular  nanotechnology also poses a potential for global catastrophe rivaled only by  nuclear warfare. If this rapidly advancing technology lives up to its  proponents' claims-and many governments and multi-national corporations are  investing millions of dollars on the belief that it will-nanotechnology could be  the next great green issue of our time.1 Yet, both the environmental and legal  communities have largely ignored it.


   This paper seeks to alert the environmental law community of the implications  of molecular nanotechnology, especially its potential for wreaking extreme harm  on the global environment, and to the precautionary measures proposed by the  nanoscience community. Section II introduces molecular nanotechnology. Section  III discusses the environmental implications of this new technology. Section IV  examines risk management measures being discussed by the nanoscience community  and scrutinizes them under the lens of the precautionary principle of  international environmental law. This paper concludes with a call for the  involvement of environmental lawyers in nanotechnology policy discussions.


   II. Molecular Nanotechnology and Its Current State of Development


   "Nanotechnology" and "nanoscience" refer to those fields of science and  technology pertaining to nanometer scale.2 "Molecular nanotechnology" ("MNT")  refers specifically to those technologies related to the mechanical control over  the arrangement of atoms.3 The goal of MNT research is the "[t]horough, inexpensive control of the structure of matter based on molecule-by-molecule  control of products and by-products."4 Nobel Laureate Richard Feynman first  suggested something akin to MNT in a talk he presented in 1959, where he  introduced the possibility of manipulating matter on an atomic scale. Physicist K. Eric  Drexler, who theorized the possibility of creating "assemblers," molecular  machines able to build other molecular machines, initiated the first studies on  MNT in the 1970s.6 Furthermore, he envisioned replicators, assembler-like  devices that could create exact copies of themselves.7 Drexler claimed that  self-replicating nanosystems8 would enable the inexpensive mass production of  whatever materials they are programmed to create.9


   Although the current state of nanotechnology is estimated to be at the level  of development of computer and information technology in the 1950s, a recent  study by the U.S. National Science and Technology Council reports "phenomenal  levels" of research and development activity in nanotechnology worldwide.10  Global competition to develop nanotechnology is building as governments are  beginning to realize the economic and strategic potential of nanotechnology.11  The most significant nanotechnological activity is taking place in the European  CommUnity,12  Japan,13 and the United States. In its final year, the Clinton administration  requested an 84% increase in nanotechnology research and development. 14  President Clinton argued that federal funding for nanotechnology is essential  for America's scientific and economic leadership, pointing out that Western  Europe outspent the United States in this area in 1997,15 calling his  administration's National Nanotechnology Initiative a top Administration  priority. 16 The Bush administration has requested US$ 518.9 million for  nanotechnology research, a 23% increase over fiscal year 2001.17 Other countries  with known nanotechnology activity include: Australia,lg China,'9 India,20  Russia,21 South Korea,22 and Taiwan.23


   Multinational corporations are also spending a significant amount on the  research and development of nanotechnology. At least twenty-four companies  around the world are working in this area.24 Some computer and electronics  companies are spending up to half of their long-term research resources on  nanotechnology.25 Corporate funding of nanotechnology in the United States is  comparable to the level of U.S. Government funding,26 and has already led to  commercially Viable products.27 With the increasing flow of funds to  nanotechnology research, universities are establishing more courses and programs  in nanotechnology.28


   It is difficult to determine from industry and government reports how much of current nanotechnological research is directed specifically towards the development of MNT. Most MNT research is currently theoretical. Some companies, such as Zyvex,29 however, have implemented long term research projects aimed at  developing MNT assembler systems.33 Zyvex claims that although "the timeframe  for achieving MNT is extremely uncertain[,] it might start to be practical as  soon as ten years from now, or by 2010."31


   III. Environmental Implications of Mnt


   MNT research could provide radical solutions to environmental problems.  Enthusiasts claim that, because it would involve very little waste or  byproducts,32 MNT would provide a sustainable basis for global wealth.33 As it  would be far more efficient than the macro-technologies of today, MNT promises  to drastically reduce resource consumption and chemical pollution.34 In addition, through MNT, scientists may be able to inexpensively fabricate  alternative manufacturing and building materials, reducing the demand for  natural resources. 35 Drexler claims that MNT will allow the construction of  solar cells that would be so efficient, cheap, and tough that they could be used  to resurface roads and provide affordable solar energy.36 Water could be  synthesized, purified, and recycled in household nanofactories, providing clean,  affordable water without depleting natural aquifers.37 The broad ability to  rearrange atoms would enable the recycling of almost any material38 and make it  possible to cheaply clean the soil,39 water, and air of pollutants by designing  nanorobots that search out toxic substances and break them down into harmless  substances.41


   These claims have led some environmentalists to express optimism over the  possible environmental benefits of MNT. Mitch Friedman, founder of the Greater  Ecosystem Alliance, has said that MNT provides perhaps the most hopeful scenario he has seen for the environment.42 Terrance McKenna, writing in the  Whole Earth Review, called nanotechnology "the most radical of the green  visions."43 Lester Milbrath"points out that because MNT "emulates nature [it]  could be deployed much more harmoniously with it [than our modern bulk  technologies]." Recently the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's National  Center for Environmental Research announced a grant for exploratory research on  the application of nanoscale science, engineering, and technology to  environmental problems.46 Noting that "[a]ny revolutionary science and  engineering approach to the existing infrastructure of consumer goods,  manufacturing methods, and materials usage is sure to have major consequences on  the environment," and recognizing the many potential positive environmental  applications and greener technologies that nanoscience may help develop, the  announcement calls for "interdisciplinary research on molecular and nanoscale  processes that take place at one or more of the interfaces within nanoscale  structures in natural systems" to anticipate the consequences of nanotechnology  on the environment.47


   Many, however, are skeptical of the optimism of those pushing for MNT development, comparing these eco-utopian claims to the false promise of nuclear  energy.48 Like nuclear power, MNT also raises the specter of "extraordinary" accidents.49 A common MNT disaster scenario involves runaway self-replicating  nanomachines, fueled by elements common in the natural environment, which  convert biomass into replicas of themselves ("nanomass") on a global basis.50  This scenario, referred to as "global ecophagy,"5' could destroy the biosphere  as we know it.52 MNT researchers, however, claim that it is extremely unlikely  that global ecophagy would happen by accident.53 More likely, such biovorous  nanorobots would have to be malevolently created as military weapons or acts of  terrorism.54 Whether by accident or by abuse, however, the result is equally  unpleasant. The incredible possibilities for both saving and destroying the  environment has been referred to as the "green double-edge of the MNT knife."55


   In a provocative article published in the April 2000 issue of Wired magazine,  Sun Microsystems CEO, Bill Joy, called for the relinquishment of MNT. He argued  that nanotechnology presents hazards so dangerous that the only safe course of  action for society to take is to limit the pursuit of knowledge in this area.56  Joy points to biological weapons treaties as a precedent for the relinquishment  of MNT.5" He also cites missed opportunities for banning the further development and proliferation of nuclear weapons after World War I1.58 Joy  warns that MNT is potentially much more dangerous, and its potential for  disaster more likely, than the threat of nuclear accidents or war. Unlike  nuclear technology, nanotechnology can be developed by small-scale activities,  using common and inexpensive raw materials. Nanotechnology, writes Joy, gives  the "ability to cause great damage ... to individuals and small groups in ways  never before possible."59


   Some scientists believe that the technology Joy fears is impossible, and that  the dangers he warns of are nonexistent. They dismiss the possibility of  nanoscientists ever building assemblers6o and belittle work related to MNT,  referring to it as the "silly side of nanotechnology"61 and the "lunatic  fringe,"62 and have criticized Joy's warnings as "tantamount to quackery."63  Other scientists have responded to such dismissals with a vigorous defense of  the science behind MNT and the possibility of self-replicating nanomachines.64  These latter scientists believe that the scenario Joy portrays is possible, but  that relinquishment is unworkable and unethical. Their arguments are discussed  in section IV.C.


   Whether or not self-replicating nanomachines are ever developed,  nanotechnology still raises concerns over a host of "ordinary" accidents and  abuse. Like drugs or macro-technologies, design flaws in products developed  through nanotechnology could still lead to significant accidents.65 For example,  some scientists predict that nanotechnology will advance to the point where complex  nanoproducts will be developed that replace, repair, or incorporate themselves  into cellular machinery. This technology, if it is ever developed, could be used  for medical diagnostics, to deliver drugs and gene therapies to previously  inaccessible sites in the body, to create more durable rejection-resistant  artificial tissues and organs, and to develop new sensor systems that will aid  in the early detection of emerging disease.66 Yet, should these medical nanodevices fail or perform in ways unexpected, the results could be deadly. For  example, if a self-replicating nanodevice implanted into a human body were to be  or become flawed, it could create a cancer-like condition that destroys its  human host.67 As nanotechnology begins to produce marketable products, there  will be a need to develop legislation and regulatory mechanisms to protect the  public from potential dangers that these new products could present.68


   Perhaps the greatest short-term risks from nanotechnology could arise from the military application of nanotechnology. While it is difficult to ascertain  the current levels of military research spending on nanotechnology in the United  States, as much of it is classified, the U.S. Department of Defense is a major  sponsor of nanotechnology research.69 Nanotechnology could be used to perform  similar military functions that biological, chemical, and conventional weapons  play today, yet there are no treaties currently in force that would clearly  regulate their use.70 The development of nanotechnology for military purposes  also raises the specter of abuse by terrorists and rogue states.71


   While the implications of nanotechnology in general, and MNT specifically, cry out for the development of new legal regimes to guide these technologies  towards their most positive uses and away from potentially harmful uses, there  is a conspicuous lack of involvement by lawyers and environmentalists in these  discussions."2 For the most part, environmentalists seem to be unaware of  nanotechnology.73 Pat Roy Mooney, Executive Director of the Rural Advancement  Foundation International, one of the few environmental organizations that has  voiced concerns about nanotechnology, complains, "[I]t's like talking about  bio-technology in the 70s-people ... say we're crazy."74 Nanoscientists,  however, have been writing about the potential dangers of MNT for nearly two  decades. Numerous scientists and some policy makers-but only a few lawyers or  environmentalists-have argued for years that discussion of nanotechnology, with  global participation, needs to begin as soon as possible to avoid potential  hazards to world peace and the environment.75


   There is a need for lawyers to engage in levelheaded analysis of the  implications of nanotechnology on environmental law and to take part in drafting constructive proposals for new or revised regulatory mechanisms.76 Although  researchers and businesses developing new technologies may not welcome the  involvement of environmentalists (much less of environmental lawyers),77 early  involvement of the environmental community would be in the best interest of  those pushing nanotechnologies. The current backlash against  biotechnological research is due, in part, to the lack of dialog between  environmentalists and scientists when these technologies were first emerging.78


   Parallels can be drawn between a potential controversy over nanotechnology  research and the controversy surrounding DNA research, beginning with the 1975  Asilomar Conference. The purpose of the Asilomar Conference was to evaluate the  hazards of new recombinant DNA techniques and to develop guidelines to control  the risks of research involving these techniques.79 The conference organizers'  attempts to avoid public "interference" unnecessarily polarized the controversy  surrounding the emerging issue.80 They were, as one observer put it, "dealing  with a public health issue and were simultaneously attempting to keep the public  out of it."8' Many in the public reacted with mistrust, and occasionally in  response to the media hype, with outrage. It is likely that many  environmentalists will react to nanotechnology in a similar fashion, calling for  bans on research and bringing lawsuits for injunctive relief. 82


   Reactive legal approaches, however, tend to lead to bad policy, leaving both  the research and environmental communities unsatisfied.83 Nanotechnology  promises to be far more revolutionary than biotechnology or computer technology.84 It will require completely new forms of regulation 85 and could  have a significant impact on national legal systems as they adapt to the new  challenges this technology will create.86 The law often does not keep up with  fast-changing technologies. The rapid development of nanotechnology and the  resulting legal lag-time create gaps where mismanagement of new technologies can  occur.87 For future regulation to work, a proactive approach to changing the law  needs to begin now.88


   IV. Applying Precautionary Principles to the Research and Development of Mnt


   Most legal discussions regarding nanotechnology have focused on what measures  need to be set in place to allow for the safe development of this new  technology. While many in the nanoscience community oppose any regulation as an  unnecessary impediment to development and a threat to the economy, many recognize the need for precautionary regulation. Furthermore, there is wide  agreement among those who have written on the subject that MNT would need to be  regulated on an international level as a MNT disaster could easily have a global  impact.89 There has, however, been little discussion on the application of the  precautionary principle of international environmental law to MNT. The  precautionary principle is already being applied internationally to a wide range  of activities that raise environmental concerns, including biotechnology  research and development,90 the transportation of ultrahazardous  waste,91 activities that accelerate climate change 92 and ozone depletion.93  It is certain to play an important role in the development of any international  scheme regulating MNT.94 But how strictly it should be applied, and what form it  would take in international legal instruments pertaining to MNT, are questions  that remain unexamined.


   A. The Elements of the Precautionary Principle


   The "precautionary principle" remains only vaguely defined in international  environmental law.95 Underlying the precautionary principle is the notion that  "decision-making in the face of extreme uncertainty and ignorance is a matter of  policy and political considerations."96 It arose out of the understanding that  scientific certainty is often achieved too late for the development of effective  legal policy responses to environmental threats and that scientific uncertainty,  therefore, should not be used as a reason for delaying measures to prevent  environmental harm.97 The international trend towards a preventative, rather  than remedial approach" to environmental risk has grown so strong that some  argue it is now part of customary international law.99 In laying out the elements of  the precautionary principle, this paper draws upon various international  instruments and formulations of the precautionary principle by private  organizations. l00


   The various formulations of the precautionary principle in international law  generally include some or all of the following components. First, the proponents  of a potentially hazardous activity have the burden of showing that their  activities will not harm human health or degrade ecosystems.101 Second, an  evaluation of the possible effects and full range of alternatives to the proposed action is  required. 102 Some formulations of the precautionary principle require serious  consideration of taking no action at all as an alternative.103 Third, it  requires taking anticipatory action to avoid potential threats.104 Finally, it  requires that the decision-making process be open to public scrutiny and  participation.105


   As applied to nanotechnology, these four elements can be restated as follows: (1) proponents of nanotechnology bear the burden of proving its safety, rather than opponents having to prove its harmfulness; (2) before nanotechnology  is used, all alternatives must be examined, including, perhaps, the alternative  of "no action" (i.e. relinquishment); (3) governments, businesses, and  individual researchers have a duty to take anticipatory action to prevent harm  from nanotechnology; and (4) the process of applying the precautionary principle  must be "open, informed and democratic,""6 and must include all parties that  will be affected by nanotechnology. 107 This provides a useful framework for  scrutinizing the safety measures and regulatory proposals that have been  advanced for nanotechnology to see whether they comport with the precautionary  principle of international environmental law.


  B. Bearing the Burden of Proof: Can Mnt Be Proven Safe?


   The precautionary principle places upon the proponents of MNT the burden of  proving that their research activities and the products they produce will not  cause undue harm to human health or the ecosystem."8 This also entails holding  those governments and companies developing and applying MNT responsible for any  harm they cause. This responsibility includes financial responsibility in the  form of assurance bonds and tort liability, and a duty to "routinely monitor  their impacts, inform the public and authorities when a potential impact is  found, and [to] act upon that knowledge."109


   This is a burden that will not be borne gladly. It is this shifting of the  burden of proof that makes the precautionary principle such a contentious issue,  often pitting developers of new technologies against  environmentalists. Opponents of the precautionary principle note that nothing  can be proven completely safe, and that a "guilty until proven innocent"  attitude will impose a great barrier to progress."l10 Proponents of the  precautionary principle argue that precaution need not lead to categorical  denials and bans, but that it "does redefine development to not only include  economic well-being but also ecological well-being, freedom from disease and  other hazards."111 Furthermore, environmentalists believe that by requiring  those proposing potentially harmful technologies or activities to demonstrate  their safety up front, "there will be many incentives to create new technologies  that will make it unnecessary to produce and use harmful substances and processes."112


   The irony of applying the precautionary principle to MNT is that of all new  technologies, MNT holds the greatest promise for not only eliminating the  production of harmful wastes and by-products, but also for fixing much of the  damage already done to the environment. Not allowing MNT research and  development to move forward may result in the continued pollution and  unsustainable consumption of the earth's natural resources.' 13 Yet, it will be  exceedingly difficult to prove that MNT research activity directed towards the  development of green technologies could never be used in environmentally harmful  ways.' 14 Application of the precautionary principle's burden of proof to MNT is  a thorny issue, which is as likely to divide those within the environmental  community, as it is to divide MNT researchers and environmentalists. Questions  requiring much more discussion include: what levels of safety assurance will be  required, how possible is it to separate "safe" MNT research from "hazardous"  research, and is any level of risk acceptable considering the potential ##threats?


   C. Relinquishment: The Alternative of Doing Nothing


   "Relinquishment" of nanotechnology, as advocated by Bill Joy, can be reframed  as the strict application of the precautionary principle. Relinquishment is  included in some formulations of the precautionary principle as an alternative  ("no action") that must be considered before engaging in an activity that raises  the threat of harm to the environment or human health. 115 International  treaties containing the precautionary principle' 16 generally do not explicitly  require that "taking no action" be considered before taking actions that may  harm the environment.' 17 This requirement is implied, however, as taking no  action may be the only reasonable precautionary measure available in cases  involving extreme hazards, where no effective safeguards have been developed.


   Because many in the nanoscience community believe that there is a possibility  that advances in nanoscience could lead, by accident or by abuse, to a global  catastrophe rivaled only by full-out nuclear armageddon, application of the  precautionary principle will likely lead to increasingly shrill calls for  banning the development of certain nanotechnologies (e.g. self-replicating  assemblers and certain military applications), or even a broad ban on  nanotechnology altogether. The fact that scientists disagree on the potential  dangers of nanotechnology is not relevant. Scientific uncertainty is precisely  what the precautionary principle was designed to address. It removes lack of scientific certainty as an excuse for  not taking measures to protect the environment,118 especially where the  potential harm is irreversible, which destruction of the biosphere most  certainly would be.


   Proposals to ban the development of nanotechnology to avoid the potential of  extraordinary environmental harm, however, have been met with derision by many  in the nanoscience community, some labeling such a strict application of the  precautionary principle as a form of "eco-fascism."119 Putting such inflammatory  rhetoric aside, most proponents of nanotechnology argue that relinquishment is  not possible and therefore is not really an alternative, or that it is the worst  possible alternative. Even if MNT could lead to new weapons capable of  destroying the biosphere, they argue, relinquishment would not only be a bad  idea, but would be impossible.12" Considering the possible economic and strategic gains of nanotechnology, it is highly unlikely that all nations would  agree to a development ban. 121 The United States, for example, has shown little  support for the inclusion of the precautionary principle in international  agreements and has resisted binding targets and timetables for the reduction of  greenhouse gasses.122 Also, as discussed above, the United States has recognized  the importance of nanotechnology to its economic and military competitiveness  123 and is no more likely to support bans on nanotechnology development than it  is to support reductions on its carbon emissions.124


   Even if it were possible to establish such a ban by international treaties,  they would be nearly impossible to enforce, as illegal activity would be easy to  hide. 125 Bans on nanotechnology might only push the research underground,  giving rogue nations the economic and military advantages it offers. 126  Attempting to stop nanotechnology, Drexler argues, means losing control, and  perhaps guaranteeing the very disasters that the bans were created to prevent. 127  Glen Reynolds, a professor of law at the University of Tennessee, points out  that no attempt to ban a weapon from existence has worked in the past, and that  those countries that have implemented such bans have suffered at the hands of  countries that didn't implement bans taking advantage of the relinquishing  countries' vulnerabilities.128 Placing strict limits on the development of  nanotechnology, Reynolds argues, would only lengthen the window of a  relinquishing nation's vulnerability. 129 Rather than ban nanotechnology,  proponents argue the imperative that open societies accelerate the development  of advanced technologies in an environment of informed public discussion. 130  This best enables public policy to be guided towards the safest course of  action. 131


   Not only is relinquishment of nanotechnology seen as unworkable, many scientists see it as unethical. Nanoscientists portray bans on nanotechnology as  turning our backs on the poor and suffering.132 New medical technologies that  could cure disease and increase the human lifespan would not be developed.133  Neither would technologies that improve the living standards of the world's  poor.134 We would also relinquish opportunities to reverse damage done to the  environment and to develop more sustainable technologies.135 In addition,  because nanotechnology is an "enabling technology" that cuts across many  scientific disciplines, a large fraction of current scientific research would be  effectively banned.136 Other arguments for pushing advanced technologies, such  as MNT, are that it is an historical imperative to transcend existing human  limitations 137 and that the acquisition of knowledge is of utmost importance.138


   Because of the economic and security issues discussed above, it is at best  unlikely that any government will agree to the strict application of the  precautionary principle to nanotechnology in the form of relinquishment. The  next section therefore focuses on precautionary measures other than  relinquishment, as proposed by the nanotechnology research community, with  particular attention given to the Foresight Guidelines on Molecular  Nanotechnology.


   D. Anticipatory Action: Preparing for the Challenges of Mnt


   Most of those who have addressed the need for precautionary measures in the  development of MNT have been scientists. Their focus has been on the need for  planning technical safeguards long before MNT becomes a serious threat to human  health or the environment. Discussion regarding the regulation of MNT,  therefore, has for the most part focused on policies that would facilitate the  development of safeguards, while holding the development of potentially destructive MNT applications at bay until such safeguards are in place. Drexler,  for example, has written that the chief purpose of regulating nanotechnology is  to "buy time for peaceful development of ecosystem protectors and sophisticated  immune machines for medicine."139 A general characterization of most existing  proposals for MNT regulation might be: MNT safety devices and systems will  eventually be developed to negate destructive MNT devices or systems, and until  that time, certain types of MNT research must be strictly regulated, while other  areas of MNT research should be allowed to develop relatively unhindered.


   This characterization seems borne out by the Foresight Guidelines on  Molecular Nanotechnology (Foresight Guidelines), published by the Foresight  Institute, a nonprofit educational organization founded and chaired by Drexler,  "to help prepare society for anticipated advanced technologies."'40 The guidelines are "intended to provide a basis for responsible development of  molecular nanotechnology."141 Interestingly, Bill Joy took part in the  development of the most recent version of the guidelines, 142 and some of his  suggestions were incorporated into the document. 143


   In its preamble, the Foresight Guidelines recognize that "[t]he future  capabilities of MNT ... raise an unprecedented set of military, security and  environmental issues,"144 but states that "[e]xperimenters and industry should  have the maximum safe opportunities to develop and commercialize the molecular  manufacturing industry."145 In general, the Foresight Guidelines favor a  regulatory approach that is "protective in development and liberal in  production."146 It also recognizes the need to restrict the misuse of MNT "in  the international arena," without endorsing "any specific initiative to address  MNT safety and security concerns through treaty arrangements."147 Security  threats posed by selfreplicating nanomachines would warrant strict controls over  the transfer of development capabilities. Any international restrictions on MNT  products, however, should be limited to situations in which global security is  threatened. The Foresight Guidelines otherwise espouse unrestricted access to  MNT end products.144 Potential risks are to be managed with a series of development principles and design guidelines. Unlike early protective measures  proposed by Drexler and others, discussed below, the Foresight Guidelines  contain no mention of developing defensive MNT systems. Instead, the document  emphasizes safety-design principles.


   Although many of the principles and guidelines contained in this document  could be considered precautionary, the words "precaution" or "caution" are not  used. Rather, it refers to "risk management" as a basic principle to be applied  to the development of MNT.149 This may indicate a preference for the process of  "risk assessment," the favored approach of most industry scientists and government agencies for making policy decisions in the face of scientific  uncertainty.lso This interpretation seems likely when compared to other writings  produced by the MNT community that are critical of the precautionary principle.


   Risk assessment can be distinguished from the precautionary principle by the  faith it places "in the ability of science to model and predict harm in extremely complex ecological and human systems."151 Proponents of risk assessment claim  it to be the "sound science" approach to decision making, based on what can be  quantified. 152 Environmentalists have challenged this claim, noting to its  reliance on "policy and scientific assumptions, which are frequently  unscientific or subjective."153 Among the specific criticisms of the risk  assessment approach to policy-making include: its assumption of "assimilative  capacity"; its susceptibility to model uncertainty; its allowance of dangerous  activities to continue, based upon assumptions of acceptable risk; its  undemocratic nature (it often precludes participation of those most affected and  is easily manipulated for political purposes);154 and its use of cost-benefit  analysis, which creates a "false dichotomy between economic development and  environmental protection."155 Some environmentalists see a place for risk  assessment within the precautionary principle, as one of many tools that can be  used for environmental policymaking,156 but most feel strongly that, by itself,  it is insufficient to adequately protect the environment from risks posed by new  technologies. Differences in philosophy between environmentalists and MNT  researchers over risk have the potential to be as divisive as similar debates  now raging over biotechnology.


   The Foresight Guidelines represent a nascent attempt at self-regulation by  the MNT research community, initiated to avoid potential government  overregulation in the future. For years the Foresight Institute has facilitated  discussion about how the risks of nanotechnology can be effectively managed.  Both preventative and remedial measures have been proposed. Preventative  measures focus on the safe design of nanotechnologies, and remedial measures  focus on how to respond to harmful nanodevices.


   Several design principles and guidelines are now generally agreed upon as  essential to the safe development of MNT; most of these are represented in the  Foresight Guidelines. Most regulatory proposals involve guidelines for  constraining autonomous self-replication, evolutionary capabilities, and data  corruption. Most researchers agree that artificial replicators should be  incapable of replicating in a natural, uncontrolled environment.157 Robert Freitas, a  research scientist with the Zyvex Corporation, has called for an "immediate  international moratorium on all . autonomous foraging replicators."158  Disallowing any replication in natural environments, however, could prevent or  seriously limit many useful applications of MNT. One proposal for safe  replication is to design MNT devices that are dependent upon broadcast  transmissions for replication. 159 Because device "blueprints" would be in a  central computer and broadcast to the devices, simply stopping the transmission  would remove the devices' ability to replicate. In addition, researchers agree  that any nanodevice capable of replication should never be designed to use an  abundant natural compound as fuel.160


   Closely related to controls on nanodevice replication is the principle that  "[e]volution within the context of self-replicating manufacturing system is  strongly discouraged."161 Designing sex into artificial self-replicating systems  would make such systems unpredictable, and could lead to unforeseen accidents.  Therefore, some scientists have proposed that legislative constraints be put on  artificial evolution, including any kind of sexual inheritance mechanisms,  except for legitimate research needs. Such research should be done under tight  constraints and with a great deal of caution. 162 Some scientists, however, are  worried that such tight restrictions will impede research on MNT replication.163


   The Foresight guidelines require that "[a]ny replicated information should be  error free."'6 MNT researchers see "zero emissions of polluting data" 165 as  necessary to avoid accidents. Therefore, if a nanosystem fails, it should fail  completely. For example, Ralph Merkle proposes that a nanosystem's instructions  for building copies of itself should be crashed if a single bit error occurs.  166 The foresight guidelines have adopted this as a design principle.167


   Many scientists in the field recommend a regulatory approach that categorizes  MNT products by process-oriented or functional categories.168 The most important  categorization would be those nanodevices capable of replication, and those that  are not. Self-replication should only take place in a factory, not in a human body or the natural environment. 169 Drexler has proposed the concept of  sealed assembler laboratories, where MNT researchers could research and develop  new MNT devices. Everything would take place in a completely concealed  environment; only information would leave. Such labs should be militarily secure  from outside access and internally secure so that only authorized products get  out.170 Researchers would also be able to engage in remote experimentation  through communication networks. 171 Other prevention-oriented proposals, not  specifically addressed by the Foresight Guidelines, include enacting of national  premanufacturing notice and product-approval requirements similar to those used  in the U.S. Toxic Substances Control Act,172 and the establishment of  international agencies to actively seek out those developing MNT in secret 173  and restricting scientists from doing research in countries without similar  regulations.


   Recognizing that design guidelines are useless unless followed, MNT  researchers have also proposed various remedial safeguards for responding to  malevolently designed nanodevices. Generally, these take the form of nanodevices  deployed to protect the environment or the human body from other nanodevices.  Because malevolently-programmed, self-replicating nanorobots could cause an  incredible amount of damage in a very short time, these "ecosystem protectors"  and "immune devices" would need to be in place before an accident or attack  occurs. The corner stone of such a MNT defense policy would be the creation of a  MNT biosphere defense shield.174 First proposed by Drexler,175 such a "shield"  would be an automated defense system consisting of nanomachines programmed to  search out and destroy dangerous replicators. Such ecosystem-protectors seem to  conflict with the Foresight Guidelines restricting a nanodevice's ability  operate autonomously in nature. 176 Bill Joy has criticized this proposal,  expressing concern over a possible "auto-immunity problem."177 If the shield  mistakenly attacks natural materials, or benign synthetic materials, it may be  worse than what we are shielding against.


   The Foresight Guidelines have been criticized as being naive for depending  too much on an honor system. 178 Environmentalists will most likely find that  the guidelines tip the balance in favor of unrestricted development. The  precautionary measures suggested in the Foresight Guidelines may be sound, but  are given no teeth. They shy away from recommending any real enforcement  mechanism. Instead, the guidelines raise the specter of rogue nations  endangering the national security of those countries that enact overly  restrictive regulation. Many environmentalists will not be assured by the  Foresight Guidelines' emphasis on "risk management." Experience has shown  environmentalists that risk assessment schemes, advocated by governments and  corporations, often fail to prevent damage to the environment and human health.


   Under the lens of the precautionary principle, the Foresight Guidelines  contain great gaps and are unable to contain the risks that many see on the MNT  horizon. Remedial proposals, which are not addressed in the Foresight  Guidelines, need more discussion. Drexler's biosphere defense shield proposal  would require such an advanced level of MNT that dangerous applications are  likely to be created long before such a defense system could be implemented, if  it can be developed at all. Even if it could be developed in time, such a  complex system could malfunction and cause the very damage it was created to  prevent. While these guidelines and proposals are necessary first steps towards  ensuring the safe development of MNT, much wider participation in these discussions is needed to tighten the proposed guidelines and to address the  necessary regulatory mechanisms that will be required to implement them.


   E. Public Participation and the "Weapon of Openness"


   One point upon which both environmentalists and MNT researchers seem to agree  is that nanotechnology needs to be developed in the open and that a wide range  of interests should take part in discussions of policy choices related to its  development and use. Arthur Kantrowitz,"79 in a paper presented at the First  Foresight Conference on Nanotechnology, argues that openness in the form of  public access to the information needed for making public decisions180 is the  best weapon of a democracy and that MNT and other new technologies will require  even more openness. 181 He draws an analogy between Darwinian evolution and  technological and social advancement. Just as the process of trial and  elimination enhances the ability of a species to survive in nature, "[o]pen  societies evolved as the fittest to survive and to reproduce themselves in an international  jungle.""82 The reason for this, Kantrowitz argues, is that secrecy weakens  theories and policies by sheltering them from the challenge of competing views  and technical criticism. Furthermore, secrecy serves as an instrument of  corruption by making it easier for decisions to be based upon selfish interests,  rather than sound science or the public interest.183 Both Kantrowitz and Drexler  have advocated the establishment of "science courts," "fact forums," or some  similar "due process institution[] for airing technical controversies." 184  Margaret Mead, speaking in favor of such a new institution, criticized existing  science policy-making as "totally unsatisfactory," in many cases involving "a  prostitution of science and a prostitution of the decision making process."185


   This should strike a chord with environmentalists. The Rio Declaration calls  for the discussion of environmental issues to include the "participation of all  concerned citizens" and for states to "facilitate and encourage public awareness  and participation by making information widely available."186 An agreement on  the necessity for open discussion about MNT can be a foundation for building the  cooperation between environmentalists and MNT research scientists that is  necessary for the development of sound MNT policy.


   V. Conclusion


   Nanotechnology is developing rapidly, with hundreds of millions of dollars  being spent by governments and multi-national corporations in a new  technological race. Yet, it is a race towards an uncertain destination and it is  being run under rules designed for another course. While there is disagreement  over what the limits of this new technology are, many in the field warn of the  potential for unparalleled natural disaster. The environmental and legal  communities, however, are for the most part oblivious to the implications of  nanotechnology.


   Why should busy environmental lawyers devote time to this issue given all the  other fires they have to put out? Because of the extraordinary nature of this  new technology, it has the potential to affect, for good or for evil, every  arena of environmental concern. Like advances in nuclear science, biotechnology, and computer/information technology, nanotechnology promises to have a  revolutionary impact on society. It will eventually invade every aspect of our  lives. Moreover, nanotechnology will allow us to manipulate the natural world in  ways never before possible. Whether we use this new-found power over the  environment to heal the damage we have already caused, and to lessen future  negative human impacts on, the natural world, or misuse this power to cause great  harm, depends in large part on the foresight we bring to bear on the potential  risks today. The environmental community woke up to biotechnology too late and  could only react to the potential dangers they saw; there was little time for  reflection. With nanotechnology, however, there is still time for  environmentalists and researchers to engage in dialog regarding the implications  of this rapidly developing technology.


   The nanoscience community should welcome early public involvement. Unless the  scientific community engages the public openly, the public response is more  likely to be overly reactive-as the biotechnology industry learned in the 1970s.  Fortunately, the nanoscience community has shown a willingness to engage in-has  sought out even-interdisciplinary dialog. The current Foresight Guidelines are a  step in the right direction. The development of these guidelines is open to  public scrutiny and public input is encouraged. One question on which more input  is needed is what role the precautionary principle should play in future  guidelines and regulations governing nanotechnology research and development.  The current guidelines will likely be unacceptable to environmentalists who feel  that they place too much trust in the discretion and good faith of government  and industry researchers. It is certain that there will be calls for stricter  precautionary measures to be applied to nanotechnology. It is equally certain  that the nanoscience research community will resist these calls. The resulting  debate is likely to be contentious, but dialog needs to start now, so that  proactive precautionary social and legal controls can be developed while this  new technology is still in its early development, rather than rushing to rash  reactive policies in response to a rude awakening thirty to fifty years from  now, if not sooner.


Paul C. Lin-Easton: Class of 2001, University of Hawaii, William S. Richardson School of Law.  The author will be working at the Law Offices of Richard Turbin, starting this  fall. The author thanks Douglas A. Codiga (Adjunct Professor, William S. Richardson School of Law) for his comments on the first draft of this article.  The author also wishes to thank M. Casey Jarman (Professor, William S.  Richardson School of Law) and Denise E. Antolini (Assistant Professor, William S. Richardson School of Law) and Jon M. Van Dyke (Professor, William S. Richardson School of Law) for making my studies of environmental and  international law so rewarding,