The Power to Choose Your Food


By Mary Hendrickson

Phone: (573) 882-7463

May 2004


If asked, most of us would say that we chose our food today.  We decided what to eat based on taste, price, availability, and convenience, among other things.  We might have even selected foods consistent with our values – organic or vegetarian fare, for instance.  While, in most cases,  we feel in control of our food choices, a deeper look at the global food system can prove enlightening.  Who decided what, where and how our food was grown? Who produced it? Who marketed it? Who gets to eat it? Who is affected by what we eat? Our personal decision to eat a hamburger rests on an incredibly complex prior chain of decision-making that brought that food to the table. That decision also gives us the power to change the very system that led us there. A seemingly simple choice about what we eat on a daily basis can promote long-term positive changes for the health of our communities and the surrounding landscape.


To see where decisions are made in the food system, we must first understand that system.  The forces that shape our food system are horizontal and vertical integration, combined with globalized food production and consumption.


Horizontal integration is an old strategy that occurs when companies expand in one particular sector through acquisitions or mergers.  For example ConAgra, the world’s fourth largest food processor, recently sold its poultry operations to Pilgrim’s Pride, making the latter the number two broiler processor in the U.S.  This means that Pilgrim’s Pride, along with 3 other competitors, now has more than half of the broiler market share.  When four or fewer firms control 40 percent or more of an industry’s market, that sector loses characteristics of a competitive market.  Unfortunately for consumers, in most U.S. commodities today, four or fewer companies control 50 to 80 percent of the market share.


How can farmers or consumers make independent decisions about what they produce and eat, when:


·         Four firms slaughter 81 percent of the beef in the U.S., 59 percent of the pork, and more than 50 percent of the broilers.

·         Three firms move virtually all the grain – e.g. wheat, corn, and soybeans – that moves between nations.

·         Five firms sell more than 50 percent of American groceries.


Vertical integration, which occurs when firms create direct lines of control from one stage of the food system to another, is also an old strategy with a new twist.  Research from 1999 shows the evolution of food system clusters, which dominate our food system from producing the genetic material of the seeds and breeds all the way through to transportation to our grocery shelves.  In these clusters, several dominant firms link together nationally and globally through joint ventures, partnerships, side agreements and the like.  Many of the complex decisions about what food we eat are decided by the management teams and boards of directors of six to ten firms embedded in these clusters.


When players in the food system operate from such a position of power, farmers, consumers and their communities lose opportunities to make choices.  For instance, now that five seed companies – Aventis, Dow, DuPont, Monsanto and Syngenta – provide most of the world’s seed for our major crops, farmers have little choice in what to plant.  Moreover, five or six dominant global food manufacturers – including Nestle, Kraft, ConAgra and Unilever – are constantly trying to shape our food choices.  With just a few major food retailers worldwide, the purchasing managers at Wal-Mart, Ahold, Kroger and Tesco influence what we find available to eat.


Relationships between farmers and consumers, processors and supermarkets, government and business are changed when major decisions about food are made by those operating within just a few firms.  Decisions about food – besides water, the most essential and necessary element of life – are no longer made by governments, or the households they represent.  Instead decisions about who farms and who eats have moved from the potentially transparent and public arena of households, communities and governments to the private realm of a few boardrooms around the world.  More importantly, food decisions no longer rest primarily on taste, quality, nutrition, security and culture, but rather involve the bottom line of where and how food can be produced the cheapest and sold for the most profit.


How can you change the way decisions are made in the food system?  First, you can vote with your dollars.  Buying your food from a farmer whose face you can see and whose farm you can visit ensures that decisions about food production and consumption are negotiated between the two of you.  Shopping at a farmers’ market, stopping by a roadside stand, or belonging to a Community Supported Agriculture farm offers you the opportunity to decide which production practices you want to support and what kind of agricultural landscape you want to encourage.  Asking for locally produced foods when dining out or at the local supermarket is yet another way that eaters can assume responsibility for creating a different food system that supports viable community businesses in growing, processing and marketing food locally. 


Second, be an active citizen rather than a passive consumer.  Join with other citizens to enact food policies at the local, regional and state level that help increase the food choices available to all consumers and communities.  Ensuring that local schools decide to buy from local farmers and processors is a great way to start.  Supporting the national Farmers’ Market Nutrition Program increases markets for farmers and supplies wholesome food to low-income children and seniors.  Questioning the structure of the food system may move state and national governments to enforce anti-trust regulations that can limit the power of the largest players in the food system.


The power to choose our food can be ours.  Acting as consumers and citizens, we can have a food system that is healthy for us, for our farmers and for our community.


To learn more, check out these articles:


Mary Hendrickson, William D. Heffernan, Philip H. Howard and Judith B. Heffernan. 2001.  Consolidation in Food Retailing and Dairy: Implications for Farmers and Consumers.  Report prepared for National Farmers Union.


William Heffernan, Mary Hendrickson and Robert Gronski. 1999. Consolidation in the Food and Agriculture System.  Report to National Farmers Union.


Michael Sligh and Carolyn Christman.  2003.  Who Owns Organic?  Report prepared by Rural Advancement Fund International – USA.


Food Routes Network ( offers a wealth of information about where and how to buy from local farmers and retailers.