Press Release from the Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy

April 4, 2002

For immediate release:

Contact: Ben Lilliston, 612-870-3416,


Follow the Farm Bill Debate With New Web Guide

Web Primer Offers Analysis and Interviews on Farm Bill

Minneapolis – The U.S. Farm Bill negotiations are heading into the home stretch between the House and Senate Conferees. Conferees are expected to reconvene during the week of April 7. The final bill will set farm policy in the U.S. for the next 5-10 years, and will directly impact farm income, the environment, energy production, rural economic development, and food safety.

To further explore the various proposals being considered by Congress, the Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy has designed an on-line web guide to the Farm Bill. The on-line guide includes important documents and interviews with experts on various aspects of the Farm Bill.

What you will find at:

The on-line web guide to the Farm Bill, can be found at:

The Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy promotes resilient family farms, rural communities and ecosystems around the world through research and education, science and technology, and advocacy.
