October 26, 2001

Dear Media Professionals,

U.S. Trade Representative Robert Zoellick has argued before Congress and within the media that further trade liberalization is a critical part of the “War on Terrorism.” The US government has made the next World Trade Organization meeting – to be held November 9-13 in Qatar – the centerpiece of this effort. Yet, most of the critical points of contention that caused the last WTO Ministerial in Seattle to end in failure, continue to threaten the success of the upcoming WTO meeting in Qatar.

The Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy is one of the nation’s leading think tanks on globalization and the WTO. We will be attending the Qatar meeting as an accredited non-governmental organization by the WTO. The enclosed packet of information outlines some of IATP’s concerns with WTO trade rules that will likely be part of the agenda in Qatar.

The enclosed packet includes the following:

1. Living Up to to the "Never a Round Again" Promise – by IATP President Mark Ritchie;

2. Comments to the US Trade Representative on agreements on agriculture and trade related aspects of intellectual property (TRIPs) at the WTO;

3. UN Resolutions Warn WTO to Consider Human Rights in Services and Patent Treaties;

4. Dumping as a Structural Feature of US Agriculture: Can WTO Rules Solve the Problem?;

5. Food Security and the WTO – September 2001 report by IATP’s Sophia Murphy;

6. Open Letter on Institutional Reforms At the WTO (PDF file);

7. Experts from the Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy.

I hope the enclosed packet is useful. IATP’s website – WWW.WTOWatch.org – has constantly updated information on the WTO, including a special press center. Our e-magazine, Qatar Update, will cover the latest news on the Ministerial. We will be doing extensive interviews of participants in Qatar and will post that information on our site. Please feel free to contact me if you would like any additional information regarding the upcoming WTO meeting in Doha, Qatar.



Ben Lilliston

Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy