Doha Ministerial Draft: Technical Cooperation and Capacity Building


South Centre
November 2, 2001

Draft Declaration
26th September (1)

Reactions to the Draft

Draft Declaration
27th October


Alternative Formulations Proposed

33. We instruct the Secretariat to respond to requests from Members for technical assistance in the context of their mainstreaming of trade into national plans for economic development and strategies for poverty reduction. The delivery of WTO technical assistance shall be designed to assist beneficiary countries to understand WTO rules and disciplines, implement obligations and exercise the rights of membership, including drawing on the benefits of an open, rules-based multilateral trading system. Priority shall also be accorded, in the delivery of trade-related technical assistance, to building capacity for multilateral trade negotiations in developing, least-developed, small and vulnerable, and transition economies, including those without representation in Geneva. We underscore the urgent necessity for the coordinated delivery of technical assistance with relevant international and regional intergovernmental institutions within a coherent policy framework and timetable. We agree that there is a need for this assistance to benefit from secure and predictable funding. We therefore instruct the Committee on Budget, Finance and Administration to develop a plan for adoption by the General Council in December 2001 that will ensure long-term funding for WTO technical assistance at a level no lower than that of the current year.

By Developed Countries:

emphasised the role of bilateral aid donors (DAC)

By Developing Countries:

Emphasised supply-side constraints;

role of ITC, UNCTAD;

regular monitoring and review;

involve all stakeholders;

transparent and enhanced implementation of IF.

32. We confirm that technical co-operation and capacity building are core elements of the development dimension of the multilateral trading system, and we welcome and endorse the New Strategy for WTO Technical Co-operation for Capacity Building, Growth and Integration. We instruct the Secretariat, in co-ordination with other relevant agencies, to support domestic efforts for mainstreaming trade into national plans for economic development and strategies for poverty reduction. The delivery of WTO technical assistance shall be designed to assist developing and least-developed countries to adjust to WTO rules and disciplines, implement obligations and exercise the rights of membership, including drawing on the benefits of an open, rules-based multilateral trading system. Priority shall also be accorded to small, vulnerable, and transition economies, as well as to Members and Observers without representation in Geneva. We reaffirm our support for the valuable work of the International Trade Centre, which should be enhanced.

33. We underscore the urgent necessity for the effective co-ordinated delivery of technical assistance with bilateral donors, in the OECD Development Assistance Committee and relevant international and regional intergovernmental institutions, within a coherent policy framework and timetable. In the co-ordinated delivery of technical assistance, we instruct the Director-General to consult with the relevant agencies, bilateral donors and beneficiaries, to identify ways of enhancing and rationalising the Integrated Framework for Trade-Related Technical Assistance to Least-Developed Countries and the Joint Integrated Technical Assistance Programme (JITAP).

34. We agree that there is a need for technical assistance to benefit from secure and predictable funding. We therefore instruct the Committee on Budget, Finance and Administration to develop a plan for adoption by the General Council in December 2001 that will ensure long-term funding for WTO technical assistance at an overall level no lower than that of the current year and commensurate with the activities outlined above.

This section does not reflect the array of concerns and issues which LDCs and developing countries have raised regarding the basis nature of technical co-operation and capacity building. Therefore, an alternative text is proposed in the next column, building on a combination of language from the drafts of 26 September and 27 October.

32. We confirm that technical co-operation and capacity building are core elements for ensuring the full and effective integration of developing countries and LDCs in the global economy and the multilateral trading system. We welcome the New Strategy for WTO Technical Co-operation for Capacity Building, Growth and Integration. We instruct the Secretariat, in co-ordination with other relevant agencies and in consultation with beneficiaries, to design more effective and transparent technical assistance, including through the Integrated Framework (IF) and Joint Integrated Technical Assistance Programme (JITAP), based on national development priorities and objectives of beneficiary countries. The delivery of WTO technical assistance shall be designed with a view to building institutional capacity across the national policy framework, involving all relevant stakeholders, and focus on strengthening and diversification of export products. We recognise that technical assistance should be timely in order to remain relevant, and should therefore relate to the length of transition periods before obligations become binding. Priority shall also be accorded, to building capacity for effective participation in multilateral trade negotiations by LDCs, small and vulnerable economies, and transition economies, as well as Members and Observers without representation in Geneva. We reaffirm our support for the valuable work of UNCTAD and the International Trade Centre, which should be enhanced. We underscore the urgent necessity for the effective co-ordinated delivery of technical assistance with relevant bilateral donors and international and regional intergovernmental institutions within a coherent policy framework and timetable, which is based on national development objectives and priorities. We shall ensure regular monitoring and evaluation of technical assistance in order to enhance its on-going effectiveness. We agree to significantly increase regular WTO budget provisions and those of the other IF core agencies to provide for stable and predictable funding for the implementation of the IF.