Press Release

U.S. Groups Call for Leadership from the Obama Administration at the World Summit on Food Security

At the World Summit on Food Security in Rome, U.S. civil society organizations expressed concern with the Obama administration's support for increasing intensive, large-scale agriculture production and trade expansion as a solution to rising global hunger - failed approaches that have actually contributed to the global food crisis.

Letter on Carbon Derivatives Trading

The letter to Senators Boxer and Kerry does not take a position on the overall content of the draft Senate bill on energy and climate change. It advises the Senators that trading carbon emissions derivatives under pending commodity futures legislation could create extreme price volatility that could delay and inhibit investments in Green House Gas reduction technology

Questionable start for new biomass program

The way the U.S. Department of Agriculture has rolled out the first part of BCAP is raising eyebrows, as initial funding seems to be going to pay for already-existing biomass supplies used for renewable energy, instead of focusing on helping to jump-start the new cellulosic energy future.

Smart Guide Hormones in the Food System

Hormones are routinely used in meat and dairy production as growth promoters, given to dairy cows to increase milk production, hormone -active pesticides are sprayed on crops, are used in plastic food packaging and can be found in the industrial chemicals and byproducts, used in industrial processes, which also make their way into the food chain.