Press Release

IATP Statement: Derailment of TPP is a victory for Fair Trade Advocates

Minneapolis – The derailment of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) in the lame duck session of Congress marks powerful progress toward fair trade. Since 2010, the Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy, working with a coalition of human rights, environmental, labor and family farm organizations—indeed, nearly all of civil society—has been raising concerns about the TPP.

The Trans-Pacific Partnership undermines global efforts to address climate change

The Trans-Pacific Partnership undermines global efforts to address climate change Minneapolis – Last weekend, US President Obama and Chinese President Xi Jinping officially signed onto the Paris Agreement on climate. Yet, President Obama is simultaneously pushing a trade agenda that directly undermines the U.S.’s ability to address climate change.

TPP would hurt small scale farmers in developing countries, groups say

Minneapolis – More than 50 development, religious and sustainable agriculture groups are demanding that Congress reject the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) because of its potential impacts on small scale farmers and food production, especially those in developing countries.