Press Release

IATP Statement on Senate Farm Bill

Today, the Senate Agriculture Committee passed a draft Farm Bill that includes funding increases and policy changes to support sustainable agriculture. The bill supports overall funding increases for conservation programs and supports local and regional food systems.

House Farm Bill Fails – Time for a New Approach to Address Major Issues for Farmers, Rural Communities, and the Environment

Today, the House of Representatives voted against a disastrous Farm Bill that was an affront to farmers, rural communities, our natural resources, and those struggling with hunger. The rejection of this partisan Farm Bill should send a signal to Congress that a dramatic re-set, grounded in fairness and sustainability, is needed in U.S.

Status quo Farm Bill falters on economic, climate challenges

The 2018 Farm Bill passed by Congress on Wednesday is largely status quo from the 2014 version and will continue to drive overproduction and low farm income while ignoring the stark realities of climate change. The much needed and popular conservation programs that support farmers in responding to climate change continue to be underfunded.