Fact Sheets

Getting the Dirt on What's in Your Fertilizer

Because hazardous waste is legally “recycled” as fertilizer and spread on farmland and sold in garden centers to unsuspecting home gardeners, IATP published this factsheet explaining what soil testing is, what the labels reveal and the issue with dioxins and heavy metals in fertilizer.

A Fact Sheet on Water Sector Privatization

Up until the 1990s, water and sewerage services in most countries were a state/ public responsibility. It was only in the 1990s that multi national led water privatization increased along with infrastructure privatization in general in the developing world.

Towards World Water Justice: Some Practical Steps Towards Equitable and Sustainable Water

Large sections of the civil society are opposed to the current paradigm propagated by the international water establishment. This paradigm, through its promotion of multinational led privatization and supply-oriented water management strategies in general, will further worsen the condition of water-poor peoples and of the ecosystem.