Submission by the NAMA-11 groups of developing countries to the WTO negotiating group on NAMA. The objctive of the submission is to achieve fair, balanced and development friendly modalities in NAMA.
U.S. farm policy geared towards driving down prices for corn and soybeans is a significant contributor to the nations obesity epidemic.
Below is the press release with a brief explanation of the issue, the fact sheet and the report.
Simulations for non-agricultural market access (NAMA) undertaken by the U.S. on behalf of Australia, Brazil, Canada, E.C., Egypt, India, Japan, Malaysia, Norway and the U.S.
Letter raising concerns about the impact of the Australian Free Trade Agreement on perscription drug prices and state programs design to lower the cost.
Memo to the E.C. from E.U. Member-States for a mini-Ministerial in London 10-12 March. The Memo states that "all room for manouevre is exhausted" in relation to further E.U. concessions particularly on agriculture market access and domestic support. The Memo calls for further concessions, particularly from developing countries, on NAMA and services.
NAMA Work Plan distributed by the Chair of the NAMA negotiations, Canadian Ambassador Stephenson. The work plan sets a series of deadlines for WTO members to agree to modalities by April 2006.
Letter from the U.S. textile industry calling for sectoral negotiations on textiles in the NAMA negotiations. The objective is to provide further protection for the textile industry.