
No New Round - August 24, 2001

There was a great deal about the outcome of the Uruguay Round of trade negotiations that did not make me happy. One important exception was the promise that the creation of the World Trade Organization would end forever the need for any future "rounds" of negotiations.

Cracks in the Global Foundation - April 25, 2000

Many, including those on op-ed pages around the country, dismissed the tens of thousands of people protesting the World Bank/International Monetary Fund (IMF) earlier this month as misguided, anti-globalization, flat-landers. This would be a mistake.

Cure for Ice Cream Headache: Shut Down Dioxin Sources

Former chemical industry lobbyist Steven Milloy and Dr. Michael Gough gave the folks at Ben & Jerry's a real "ice cream headache" last week. They presented findings at an international symposium on dioxin, one of the most toxic compounds ever studied.