Publication archives

Sophia Murphy
One is the loneliest number...
Protesters march outside the WTO's Ministerial Conference in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Photo by Sophia Murphy.
Tara Ritter
This blog overviews our December 2017 "Our Energy Future" event in Morris, MN.
Participants at State Convening
Sophia Murphy
Karen Hansen-Kuhn
IATP has tracked the dumping of U.S. agricultural commodities in international markets for over two decades. Agricultural commodity dumping is the sale of commodities abroad by agribusiness firms at prices below what it cost farmers to get those crops ready for sale.
Shiney Varghese
As the 6th round of NAFTA negotiations begin this week in Washington D.C, the controversy over exactly what a new agreement might involve (if there is one at all) continues to generate debate.
kid with water buckets
Shiney Varghese
Read the full paper here. 
Ben Lilliston
The World Trade Organization (WTO) has a well-earned reputation for placing trade concerns above all else—including global priorities like climate change and food security.
Sophia Murphy
Ben Lilliston
At the global climate talks in Bonn, Germany last month, countries agreed for the first time on an agriculture work program designed to identify the best strategies to respond to climate change and protect food security. Nearly 80 percent of countries included agriculture in their Intended Nationally Determined Contributions (INDCs) as part of the Paris Climate Agreement.
The 11th World Trade Organization Ministerial begins on December 10th, in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
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