Publication archives

Erin McKee VanSlooten
Katie Costello
2017 has been a dynamic year for the Farm to Institution program at IATP! This was the second year we engaged with multiple Head Start program partners concurrently to implement our Farm to Head Start model, with a final cohort of four partner programs.
F2I 12-21-17
The following was published by Sierra on December 14, 2017, under the title Talking About Climate Change in Trump Country.
Photo courtesy Sierra Magazine
Sophia Murphy
It was somehow fitting that the only rain to mar perfect late spring days of the 11th WTO Ministerial Conference in Buenos Aires last week fell as the meeting ended in failure. The purpose of a ministerial is to provide direction for the coming two years of trade negotiations; that is, to sign any agreements reached and to provide a working agenda for the biennium ahead.
WTO MC11 12-21-17
Shefali Sharma
This article first appeared on Project Syndicate, December 19, 2017.
The Meaty Side of Climate Change
Jim Harkness
In early 2014, IATP released its first series of in-depth reports about the global meat industry. That series, the Global Meat Complex: The China Series, examined China’s path to becoming one of the biggest producers of pork, poultry and dairy and the biggest importer of soy.
ChinaFoodWatch Map
Karen Hansen-Kuhn
Sharon Anglin Treat
With President Donald Trump’s threats to withdraw from NAFTA becoming increasingly explicit, market analysts are getting jittery, agribusinesses and commodity groups are raising alarms, Republican governors are planning a
Farm Sale 12-18-17
In late November, IATP and our partners published a report on the global industrial meat complex in Brazil. Currently, Brazilian beef exports are banned in the United States.
Uprooted logo
Sophia Murphy
The following was first published on Food Tank Farm leaders from around the world converged in Buenos Aires this week. They traveled to pressure the trade ministers attending the biennial World Trade Organization (WTO) Ministerial Conference to stop unfair trade practices that are hurting farmers. Once again, they went home empty-handed.
Food Tank